Spring Book Exchange

Posted April 8, 2014 by Andi in Book Swap/Exchange / 0 Comments


During the holidays everyone wants to do some kind of book swap, exchange, or package. I mean it makes sense; December is the start of winter and gift giving season. The more I think about it the more I think we need to give love to the other months and seasons. April and May are excellent times for book releases. Personally, I have about 4 books being shipped between April and May and there are a million more I want. So with that said, I’m hosting a Spring Book Exchange. What better way to jump into spring then with a fabulous book.


To participate: All you need to do is fill out the form below between now and April 13th at 11:59pm EST. After I have all the participants paired up I will contact you by April 16th with the information of the person you are sending a book to. Based on how the questions are answered you then have to send your person one book (you are free to send more, but the requirement is one). You send the book (you MUST use tracking if mailing yourself) or order it (pre-orders are okay only if the person agrees in the questionnaire) by April 24th. See, simple as that. After the books start arriving take to Twitter and use the #AndiSpringExchange and share what you received with your fellow book nerds.


Note: You must be at least 16 to participate and is for US only. Sorry to my pals who live overseas or in Canada. I promise, we’ll get something together for you soon.






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