Help Pick My Spring TBR!

Posted March 14, 2015 by Andi in General / 5 Comments


On Tuesday it is time to post the Spring TBR list. Honestly I have been terrible at actually reading my TBR lists. I don’t know why but I just haven’t followed through. Well this time I am going to change that. If you read my post on picking a next book you know how stressed out I can be about it. I actually dread it lots. It gives me anxiety and makes me all panicky. But that is about to change. At least for the next 10 books I read.

Below is a list of books on my TBR that I already own or have on my Kindle. Some are ARCs, some are back list, and some are ARCs I should have read and haven’t yet (bad blogger!). What ever 10 books end up on my list will be the next 10 books I read.

I need you to help me pick my next 10 books! Click To Tweet

What does that have to do with you? Well you, my lovely ABCers, get to help me pick those books. All you have to do is selected one of the books below that you think I should read come Spring. Simple as that. The 10 books with the top votes will be my Top Ten Tuesday TBR. Should there not be a clear 10, I will be left to my own vices, so don’t let me down. 🙂 Voting will end on Monday March 16th at 6:00 AM EST so I have time to pull my post together.

So tell me ABCers, what will I be reading for the next few weeks? Pick wisely!



5 responses to “Help Pick My Spring TBR!

  1. I voted for the Jennifer Lynn Barnes book on your list, cause she’s awesome, and ‘Love Dark and Deep’ because it’s a beautiful read. I hadn’t heard of any of the others 😀

  2. Rachel

    I totally thought I was going to be able to pick more than one hahah. I chose Cruel Beauty because I remember ADORING that book (which is a huge surprise bc it’s definitely not contemporary). I’d be really curious to hear your thoughts on it.

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