Second Chance Sunday – Slide by Jill Hathaway

Posted June 16, 2013 by Andi in Books, Review, Second Chance Sunday / 0 Comments

I feel like I read this book a lifetime ago. Actually I kind of have when you think about all the other books I have read between then and now. I’ve read a lot of lifetimes in that span. Anyway, in February the second book to today’s Second Chance Sunday, Slide, came out and I really need to get it. I keep meaning too, but as much as I would like I can’t buy all the books. And since I can’t buy Imposter quiet yet, I thought I would introduce you to or remind you of Slide.

Second Chance Sunday – Slide by Jill HathawaySlide by Jill Hathaway
Series: Slide #1
Published by Balzer + Bray
Published: March 27, 2012
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Vee Bell is certain of one irrefutable truth - her sister's friend Sophie didn't kill herself. She was murdered.

Vee knows this because she was there. Everyone believes Vee is narcoleptic, but she doesn't actually fall asleep during these episodes: When she passes out, she slides into somebody else's mind and experiences the world through that person's eyes. She's slid into her sister as she cheated on a math test, into a teacher sneaking a drink before class. She learned the worst about a supposed "friend" when she slid into her during a school dance. But nothing could have prepared Vee for what happens one October night when she slides into the mind of someone holding a bloody knife, standing over Sophie's slashed body.

Vee desperately wishes she could share her secret, but who would believe her? It sounds so crazy that she can't bring herself to tell her best friend, Rollins, let alone the police. Even if she could confide in Rollins, he has been acting distant lately, especially now that she's been spending more time with Zane.

Enmeshed in a terrifying web of secrets, lies, and danger and with no one to turn to, Vee must find a way to unmask the killer before he or she strikes again.

I have to say I really enjoyed this book. I stumbled across it randomly and thought it sounded intriguing so I picked up a copy. Well, intriguing it was. Was it predictable? Absolutely. But there was some comfort in the predictability of it. There was still enough mystery to keep it going while the other parts I could see coming a mile away. It led to a balance of sorts that just worked.

Honestly, Vee made the book for me. She was just plain likable. She had this secret that she was hiding from everyone which made her have to hide a part of herself. On top of that, she had to be the rock in the family for her sister and almost parental for her too. She was only 17 and had more on her plate then any teen should. Add in the fact that things were awkward with her and her best friend Rollins and the new guy Zane it is a miracle that Vee didn’t crack under the pressure. Actually, I think that is what I liked most about her. She just stayed strong and kept going. She did what she had to to keep everyone moving all while figuring out what secrets everyone was hiding.

The story was really well told and kept me interested even after I figured out just what the heck was happening. I’m excited this isn’t a stand-alone, which I don’t say too often. I can’t wait to find out what else is in store for Vee and her slides.

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