Day #6: Book Shopping

Posted July 27, 2013 by Andi in 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge / 0 Comments

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*personally purchased at one point

Physical Books
I don’t think I really have a certain way I shop for books. Usually I have a rough idea as to how many books I can logically get. I try not to go over 3, but I will admit that it is hard when you see all the pretty in person. When I have the number figured out I go to Goodreads and get a game plan together for what I really want, have to have. If there are new books that have come out, I’m all over it. Actually I usually go to a book store for a certain new release and try and stay away, which isn’t too hard now that there is only one bookstore around work and I have to take the train to get to it. When Borders was still in business I was buying a book a day with no real  thought to it at all. Now not so much.

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*currently on hold

Library Books
Add MediaTo be honest I have been doing more of the library thing instead of book buying. I’m notoriously bad at checking out and returning books, but I have been doing in since May and have only paid once $.10 fine and that was because I was away and brought the book with me. When I’m “book shopping” at the library I try to keep that to a minimum of 5. I feel like if I have more than 5 at a time I will never get through them and I still have plenty on my own shelves to read. The great thing about the library is that I have a lot at my fingertips and it doesn’t cost a dime(well minus that one late fee exception). But the downside is that you sometimes have to wait for new releases for a month or two. I will say though, it is worth the wait for the relief on my wallet.

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*currently on my apps

eBook shopping has to be the easiest and maybe the most dangerous. I have a physical NOOK(hoping for a Kindle for my birthday next month), the NOOK app, the Kindle app, and Bluefire Reader app on my iPad. Bluefire is filled with just eGalleys which is probably my hardest show of willpower. I honestly want all the eGalleys I see but I know that isn’t possible so I try to maintain some sanity. The NOOK is filled with old stuff so I haven;t purchased anything for it in a while. And the Kindle app is filled with all those books that I have wanted that pop up at a discounted price. That’s how I shop eBooks now. The better the discount the more likely I am to purchase.

So tell me, how do you shop for books? Do you have a plan or is it more of a wing it kind of thing?

*Hosted by Good Books and Good Wine
**Click on the book covers for purchase
***Click on the top photo to access Amanda’s blog.



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