Day #10: Choosing Your Next Book

Posted July 31, 2013 by Andi in 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge / 0 Comments

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Choosing your next book is a lot more difficult then one would think. It seems simple enough to just grab something off the shelf and get on with it. There are a few problems with that. One, if you just read a fantastic book, you can’t jump into something else you are super excited. That could lead to disappointment. And the same can be said for a book you weren’t crazy about. Then there are the books you take out of the library that have to be returned. You have to read those over a certain amount of time. Then there is the ARCs and eGalleys. Those too need to be read in an orderly fashion. Not to mention all the books that have been on the back burner and that are being released as we speak. When one wants to read ALL THE BOOKS, priorities must be made and it is as simple as that.

A while back I was getting frustrated with trying to decide on what book to read next. I was overwhelmed with options and I couldn’t make a decision. To make it easier on myself I made a list of ten books. Some back burner books, some ARCs, some new releases, some eBooks. I had a list of 10 books that I forced myself to read in the order I set them up. It was nice because there was a structure to my reading plan. But after months of doing that I have since stopped and kind of go where the wind takes me.

Really when I pick a book now I look a few things before deciding. If it is a library book I think about the page numbers and the book and when it is due. Then I look at any digital ARCs I may have that are coming out soon that I need to read and review. Lastly I think about what I am absolutely dying to read and if I can wait and if I do will it ruin the book that I pick up because it isn’t what I wanted to read in the first place. It seems to work so that’s what I’m going with for the time being.

How do you pick your next book?

*Hosted by Good Books and Good Wine
**Click on the top photo for access to Amanda’s blog.

Make sure to check out and enter my Giveaway for an autograph copy of Lauren Myracle’s new book, out next month, The Infinite Moment of Us, that goes until 8/4 at 11:59pm EST.



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