Review: Don’t Even Think About It – Sarah Mlynowski

Posted March 13, 2014 by Andi in Books, Review / 0 Comments

Review: Don’t Even Think About It – Sarah MlynowskiDon't Even Think About It Published: 2014
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We weren't always like this. We used to be average New York City high school sophomores. Until our homeroom went for flu shots. We were prepared for some side effects. Maybe a headache. Maybe a sore arm. We definitely didn't expect to get telepathic powers. But suddenly we could hear what everyone was thinking. Our friends. Our parents. Our crushes. Now we all know that Tess is in love with her best friend, Teddy. That Mackenzie cheated on Cooper. That, um, Nurse Carmichael used to be a stripper.

Since we've kept our freakish skill a secret, we can sit next to the class brainiac and ace our tests. We can dump our boyfriends right before they dump us. We know what our friends really think of our jeans, our breath, our new bangs. We always know what's coming. Some of us will thrive. Some of us will crack. None of us will ever be the same.
So stop obsessing about your ex. We're always listening.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.


I’ve been a huge fan of Sarah Mlynowski for a really long time. I was first introduced to her with her ‘chick lit’ book Milkrun. I don’t know if it was because it took place in Boston or the age I was when I read it, but I was instantly hooked. I have since read her other ‘chick lit’ books and her YA books and reality enjoyed them. So basically I was beyond thrilled when I saw this and even more so when I got an advanced copy. Sad to say though, Don’t Even Think About It just didn’t do it for me. It was one of those books that had such amazing potential but just didn’t get there which bums me out.

Basically Don’t Even Think About It is the story of a sophomore high school class that gets the flu shot. Approximately 24 hours later everyone in one home room has become telepathic and are now hearing the thoughts of everyone around them. The harder they try to hide their secrets the more they come out and soon everyone knows everyone business. Some are more effected by these secrets than others but basically no one is safe. Unsure if they want the world to know they hide the new found ability, but with secrets leaking all over the place it isn’t something they can hide for long.

My number one problem with this book was that there were just too many main characters and plots going on. You have Cooper and Mackenzie, Tess, Sadie and Teddy, Tess and BJ, Olivia and Lazar/Renee, Pi, the list could go on and on. I found with all of these characters and stories that the book was hard to follow and to stay connected to the characters. But with that said I also felt like nothing much was really going on which was beyond bizarre for the amount of stuff that was in fact going on. Essentially I never really got a feel for the plot.

On the plus, Mlynowski definite delivered in the form of entertainment based solely on the characters personalities. Cooper and BJ were witty and entertaining and Mackenzie was the perfect mean girl and Olivia was the girl you just wanted to tell not to worry what other people think. I think that was the one saving grace for me and what made me continue on.

Honestly I don’t think it was 100% a bad book! I just think it missed the mark. Teenagers with telepathy could have gone in such a great deep direction and this just didn’t, not for me any way. But I really can’t state enough how important it is for you to try it anyway if it sounds good to you. Not ever book is for every person.




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0 responses to “Review: Don’t Even Think About It – Sarah Mlynowski

  1. Too bad you didn’t love it but I appreciate this thorough review as to why! I haven’t made a decision as to whether I’ll be checking this one out or not, but your review does make me want to check out some of her other stuff!

  2. Is it strange that your review makes me want to read this one even more? I have it so I’ll read it either way, but the things you didn’t like sound interesting to me. I kind of like books with lots of characters. Yeah it can be totally confusing at first, but it’s similar to watching a tv show where there’s a whole cast. Obviously I have to see how it plays out in the book though.

    • I don’t think it is odd at all. I’m glad it made you want to see what it’s like. I didn’t want to deter people. Actually I would be curious to see what you think. For me I think this book would be a fabulous TV show. 🙂

  3. Kelly

    Sometimes I enjoy when there’s lots of characters, but often I’m overwhelmed or I pick favourites and end up disappointed when they don’t get much screen time, so to speak. The concept and the entertainment value might be enough to sway me to read it though!

  4. I felt the same way! I was excited going into it, but it just seemed really disconnected and spastic, I was jumping all over the place through the whole book.

  5. I totally agree with you on this one. This could have been great but it definitely missed the mark. Pretty early on I was having lots of issues with it, but I decided to turn of the inner critic and just enjoy it for the fun, quirky parts of it. I feel like I would have enjoyed it when I was younger more though, so maybe a younger teen audience is where it is going. And in regards to your above comment, this really would make for a fun tv show or maybe movie.

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