2015 TBR Jar

Posted December 30, 2014 by Andi in TBR Jar / 14 Comments


My “to be read” pile is out of control. I have a full Kindle, stacks in my room, stacks on my book case, basically books every where. And I know there are more to come. I mean let’s be real. Sometimes I have so many books I feel completely overwhelmed with the process of picking a new book which then makes the pile continue to grow. Since I have so many great (???) books I want to read I needed to do something that made picking easier. People are really great when I go onto Twitter and ask what I should read next, but I thought it was time to put it in my own hands so to speak. Hence The 2015 TBR Jar.

tbrjarI few weeks back I was wondering around Target buying Christmas gifts and I came across a pretty mercury glass jar. I always love a good jar but I never really have anything to use them for so I usually shy away. But this once I couldn’t not get this one. And the longer I looked at it the more I wanted to buy it. And then the idea came to me. It would be a great TBR Jar.

With my jar in head it was next on to the books. This was actually easier than I thought it would be. I decided to go with ARCs that I need to read(whether they are Kindle or physical books) and books I own that I have been meaning to get to. I know that the jar will probably change as time goes by. I will have to remove names of books I really need to read and books I want to add. I know I will have to replenish I’m sure or just switch things up, but as my first time trying this I’m okay without really having any rules and seeing where it goes.

Currently I have my Goodreads list at 61 books which I think is a good starting off point. I have books that have been tbrjar1out for a few years on it to books that come out in a few months. I have Netgalley books and Edelweiss books and books fro publishers. Books I have purchased or have been gifted or have owned and never read. I have a good starting off point I think. And I’m willing to take book suggestions to add to it so have at it.

Honestly there is no way to know how successful this is going to be, but I need to try something and this is a better idea than nothing. I’ll check back in in February to let you know how it is going.

Tell me, how do you keep you TBR pile under control? What method do you use to pick a new book?



14 responses to “2015 TBR Jar

  1. Generally if there’s an ARC I need to finish before a deadline, I give it a preferance and then read a book from the genre I’m in the mood for from my TBR. Lousy, I know. But I can’t read fantasy when I’m craving contemp.

  2. Breenah A

    I have 1300 books on my TBR list and I’m really tempted to print them all off with either the library call number or if I own it and put them in a jar. Although, I might need a rather large one.

  3. missprint

    This seems like a lot of work with printing the book covers and cutting them out but also a very cute idea especially when you already have a lot of good containers around!

    I tend to pick books myself either because I know what I want to read next or based on timeline/what I have on hand. Sometimes I’ll ask you or other tweeps for help but sometimes I’ll also go with whatever first line grabs me. Next month I’m going to try for an actual list as there are some clear guidelines for what I need to read soon and what I really want to read soon.

    In terms of keeping the TBR list under control: I am ruthless. Down to 122 and hoping to get even lower.

    Hope this works for you!

  4. 61 books on your TBR…you are just so cute! lol

    I tried a TBR jar in 2014 and did well with it for a bit but then somehow fell out of practice with using it. I think that I am just such a mood reader that my pick didn’t always mesh with what my brain was wanting to read. Maybe I’ll give it another go in 2015. I also like your idea of using the book covers for yours! I just wrote out the titles in word and printed them off….but the covers are so pretty. =)

  5. This is actually the best idea I’ve ever seen for how to tackle a TBR list. I usually put together a list 3-4 months in advance with about 4 books each month of what I hope to read. This year didn’t go according to plan. I “sorta” stuck with it on 2013. I wish you luck with your jar! I’d like to think I have the courage to simply shake and take one out and read whatever it says, but I get so nervous when it comes time to pick my next book to read! I can see how this would take the edge off of that doom of picking the next read. I can’t wait to hear how it comes out! You’ll find me over at http://www.nycbookworm.com, stressing away 2015!

  6. My TBR pile is completely out of control too. I went on a mad cut-back with the e-books that I had listed on Goodreads (Note, I was too lazy to actually clear them off of my Kindle) and I’ve been working on getting rid of some more of my physical books that I don’t think I’ll ever get around to, but it’s still ridiculous. I tried to do a TBR Jar but I honestly just forgot to use it and just went to my usual stand-by of staring at the various piles or shelves of TBR books until one stood out to me. Which isn’t really very effective. -.-

    I hope you do better with it than I did!

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