The ABCs with Isalys from Book Soulmates

Posted February 11, 2015 by Andi in The ABCs / 5 Comments


Welcome to the revamped ABCs.  In the past I have used this weekly Wednesday post as a link up but times are a changing. I’m switching things up as you have learned HERE. I’ve also recently created a place for authors to sign-up and do the ABCs for one of their main characters. Check that out HERE.

Today we have Isalys from Book Soulmates sharing with us the accessories, books and clothes she is lusting after.

Now let’s give a warm ABCers welcome to Isalys!



Thanks so much to my fellow Boston blogger for having me on here.  As Andi can attest, the most difficult part about working on this post is narrowing down the items I wanted to feature but after some exhaustive research, I decided to stay true to my British loving heart.  Those of you who know me, and for those of you who don’t, I have always been obsessed with all things English – probably because I’m pretty sure I was English in a past life – so this post is chock full of some British goodness that I quite desperately want.
Hope you enjoy!
♥Isalys from Book Soulmates

Pride & Prejudice Scarf by Storiart.  I’ve always loved scarves and since moving to Boston last year (from south Florida), I now have a good reason to own lots of scarves.  This one has been on the top of “I Must Have” list for a while but sadly Storiart is out of stock.  Seriously though, how great is this scarf?  Not only do I get to proudly display my love for my favorite Jane Austen novel but it’s so cute and I love the drawstring that can be tied into a bow.  Yep, must continue stalking!

Jane Austen Cover to Cover: 200 Years of Classic Book Covers by Margaret C. Sullivan
As I mentioned above, I am a big Jane Austen fan.  I own all the books, the B&N collectable compilation, several movies, etc.  I learned about this book through a positive review on another blog (who, unfortunately, I can’t seem remember right now).  It has gotten other great reviews and I think it would be an awesome addition to my Jane Austen collection.

The item of clothing that I have been lusting after for the longest time – and by lusting I mean, I want as much as I want my next breath – is a classic Burberry Trench Coat.  The one in the photo is the The Sandringham – Mid-Length Heritage Trench Coat.  Sadly, I cannot yet justify spending that kind of money on a coat, no matter how gorgeous so for now, I shall continue lusting from afar.



Thanks Isalys for playing!

If you would like to play like Isalys did, sign-ups are open. HERE



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