Calling an Audible on Audio (2)

Posted March 23, 2015 by Andi in Audible on Audio / 7 Comments


Back in January I discussed how I recently had taken to listening to audio books in 2014 and I did a round up pf the ones I had listened to. It was a huge success on the blog and many of you had opinions on not only audio books but on which ones to listen to. Since that was a success and I have listened to a bucnh more since then I thought I would bring it back and show you which books I have been listening to lately.

audio2.2Open Road Summer

audio2.3The Sea of Tranquility

audio2.4The DUFF

audio2.5These Broken Stars

audio2.6The Girl of Fire and Thorns

audio2.7Breathe, Annie, Breathe

Do you listen to audio books? How do you pick which to listen to? Is the narrator a big part of this?

*stay tuned for more audio posts.




7 responses to “Calling an Audible on Audio (2)

  1. For years I’ve wanted to listen to audio books, but I am the worst listener when someone is just talking at me and there’s no opportunity for me to engage back. I do like the idea of trying it with a book I’ve already read and would like to re-read. Like maybe that would get me into the gist of listening and paying attention? (That sounds awful.) Anyway, I’m glad it’s working well for you and thank you for planting that seed in my head.

    Maggie @ Just a Couple More Pages recently posted: Pub Date: Luck of the Irish
    • andiabcs

      You should try it Maggie. It is really all about finding the perfect mix of narrator and book you love for a reread. The best thing is that you don’t have to pay 100% attention as you have already read the book and most likely reviewed it. I’m a huge fan of them now.

  2. I end up switching between the audio and text versions of books a lot – I can listen to audio books at work a lot of the time, but I prefer to read it myself if I’m at home. I also listened to the audio book for These Broken Stars, and I would agree that the narrator did a great job. I’m currently listening to the Paranormalcy series by Kiersten White; for the most part, I like the narrator, but there is one character whose voice I just can’t take seriously.

    Sarah @ Sarah Can't Stop Reading recently posted: Throwback Thursday #4 - The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen

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