The ABCs with Rowan from Steel & Bone: Nine Steampunk Adventures by Danielle Shipley

Posted July 22, 2015 by Andi in character edition, The ABCs / 3 Comments


Welcome to the ABCs, Character Edition.   Weekly this feature has always been a place for bloggers, readers, publicists and authors to show off there ABCs. Well Now the ABCs are also opened for authors to show off the ABCs for their main characters. You can still sign-up to post your own picks HERE or if you have a main character that wants to get in on the fun, sign-up HERE.

Today we have Rowan from Danielle Shipley‘s book Steel & Bone: Nine Steampunk Adventures sharing with us the accessories, books and clothes she is lusting after.

Let’s give a warm ABCers welcome to Rowan (and Danielle)!



ABCs (Character Edition) – Rowan Charles, alias Rowena Charlotte, from “A Mind Prone to Wander” by Danielle E. Shipley (part of “Steel & Bone: Nine Steampunk Adventures”)

They said I might wear anything I wish today. How generous. Off you go, Rowena, perhaps to die, but do feel free to look your prettiest. Ha. Freedom would be permission to look something other than pretty, for a change. But that would rather defeat the purpose of my going, wouldn’t it? Can’t have the Lord of Wings suspecting I’m not what I must pretend to be.

I look for something warm, to start; something lined in furs. Winter in the sky is freezing. The nightingale coat will do, I decide. The gold-embroidered cages will even match my transportation to the Lord’s castle. Perfect! Perhaps he will admire my stylish sense of irony.

Now, where did I put…? Ah, there. As I reach for the pocket watch, I rather wonder that Skycastle’s old giant had it lying around before the refugees arrived here from the world below. Did he just amass anything in gold he could find, never mind whether he could have any possible use for it? I doubt he could make out the time on so comparatively tiny a clock face. And chances are he didn’t think to keep a stash of poison inside of it, either. He didn’t have to worry about getting sacrificed to assassinate his brother. Oh, no, that honor’s reserved for princesses and me.

Something far rarer than gold snags the corner of my eye. Looping, swirling knots of color, embossed in leather. “The Arabian Nights”. I don’t remember making off with this piece of the royal family’s library, comprised of the few books anyone thought to take with them when they fled the end of the world. I can’t think why I’d want to have done, except that I am a madman, and madmen do inexplicable things. Besides which… There’s something about the cover. Something about the shapes and patterns of colors. Something echoing in the empty space where my past should be.

I finger the book’s edge, considering. They never said I might take a book with me over the Clouded Sea. They would probably be furious with me if I did. Smiling, I add it to my pile of knives, pistols, and poisoned pocket watches – just one more piece of contraband to hide amongst my skirts.

They’ve already contrived to turn Rowan Charles into a killer, a liar, and a woman. No reason not to make a thief of him as well.

Pocket Watch

Danielle E. Shipley
Book: Steel & Bone


Thanks Rowan (and Danielle) for playing!

If you would like to play like Rowan (and Danielle) did, sign-ups are open HERE.




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