Book Connection

Posted June 15, 2016 by Andi in Book Connection / 4 Comments

I know you are all expecting an ABCs post today., it is Wednesday afetr all, but I have a special ABC post tomorrow from Sarvenaz Tash for her book The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love. Instead today I am bring you a post that came to me when I was reading a book last week, Book Connections.

I’m a person that likes to associate things to remember them. For instance when I was in Mexico my aunt’s room number was 5511. I remembered it by associating Nomar Garciaparra (who wore #5) and Julian Edelman (who wears #11). I do this often. But I didn’t realize until last week when I started How to Love, that I also kind of have done this for books. For some reason there are certain books that I look at and I immediately will associate them with one of my fab blogging peeps. I don’t know when or how it happened but it did.

So for today’s post I thought I would share with you the book and blogger I associate certain books with. Honestly just show me the cover or say the book’s name and I immediately will think of this person.


Alexa from Alexa Loves BooksThrone of Glass
This one isn’t hard to understand why. She is actually the reason I read this series so she will forever be connected to it.



Gail from Ticket to AnywhereSimon v. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Truthfully there are a TON of books I could connect to Gail as she is always telling me to read something, even making me read something with some deal we made, but this one always just reminds me of her because she loved it that much.



Sarah from What Sarah Read What I Thought Was True
Sarah is another blogger that I could list a few for, but Huntley Fitzpatrick’s books always make me think of her.



 Brittany from The Book Addict’s GuideThe Lunar Chronicles
Like there are many other books I could have picked? She is as crazy as I am with my Anna collection with the Lunar Chronicles. That series is her jam and makes me think of her every time I even hear Marissa Meyers’ name.


Rachel from Hello, ChellyhowtoloveHow to Love
She is the reason I started to think about this. I always just associate that book with her and forever will. Happy to say that she is glad about this.



breathannieJen from Jenuine Cupcakes Breathe, Annie, Breathe
Jen and I kind of became friends just because of this book. We were both BETA readers for Miranda and then worked on a gift that we had made for Miranda and gave it to her together at BEA. This will always be Jen’s book for me.


Ginger from G Reads!The Summer I Turned Pretty
Hands down my Ginger book. This series is everything that G loves in a book. It is summery and a contemporary. And it has a great plot with great characters. This is Ginger all the way. Runner-up is the Highly Illogical Behavior because we waited in line for this and there was a story at the front of the line. 😉


rosieJen from Pop Goes the ReaderThe Rosie Project
A friend actually just mentioned this book the other day to me and I immediately thought…Jen LOVED that book. I remember her tweeting about it and saying how much she loved it.  It will now be forever connected to her in my mind.


Kelly from Belle of the LiteratinashNash
I associate a lot of NA books with Kelly. We both have a love for them. But Nash is the one I connect to her the most. I know how she felt about this book so how could I pick anything else??



scoringBetty from Book Rock BettyScoring Wilder
I read this book because Betty tweeted about it. Therefore it will be connected to her always and forever. Good thing it was a good one.



And there you have some of my Book Connections. There are more for sure, but these are the ones that came to mind.


Do you ever associate a book with a blogger or a reader you know? Share in the comments!





4 responses to “Book Connection

  1. Ginger

    What a great idea for a blog post! A lot of these books make me think of those people, too. Makes me super happy to be associated with The Summer I Turned Pretty series! I think I’m due for another re-read.

  2. I am SO happy to see which book you associated me with, because… well, because I LOVE IT SO MUCH 😀 Also, I see a lot of book/blogger associations that I make too!

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