Top Ten Tuesday – Books Set Outside the US

Posted July 19, 2016 by Andi in Top 10 Tuesday / 7 Comments

This post was harder than it sounds. I mean sure there aren’t a lot of contemps that I’ve read that take place outside the US. That was probably one. Problem 2 was that most that do are either Australia or England so that made it harder. In the end I decided on 6 books I really loved/liked and 4 books that were good enough.


Anna and the French Kissf1

Just One Dayf2

Just One Yearf3

Jellicoe Roadf4

Meant to Bef5

The Distance from A to Z  f7

The Book Thieff8

Wish You Were Italianf9

Dangerous Girlsf10

The International Kissing Club

What are your favorite books that take place outside the US?

*Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
**Banner pictures were purchased from AC Digitals and belong to them (Maggie Holmes Bloom #1, Maggie Holmes Bloom #2, Maggie Holmes Bloom #3, Maggie Holmes Bloom #4)




7 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books Set Outside the US

  1. Wow, this is the 6th list I’ve seen Anna and the French Kiss on and the 3rd I’ve seen Jellicoe Road on, so those HAVE to go on my TBR. Great list!

    • As an ANNA fanatic I insist you make it a priority! I’ve read it 12 times and own a ton of copies. It’s my favorite book ever!

  2. I have the same problem as you almost of my books are set in Englad. I have others who are set in different countries around Europe but, they’re all from the same series so I kind of think that was cheating! XD!

    Great choices and new books to add to my TBR list!

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