Author: Marissa Meyer

On my Radar: Top TBR Books…and a dream book (2)

On my Radar: Top TBR BooksR..

In July, I had done a post about 6 books (and 1 dream book) that were on my radar that I planned to read. Truthfully I did pretty well. I’m currently reading the 4th book from that list leaving just 2. Not too bad. Since that seemed to help me narrow down the million books I want to read I figured might as well do it again. Here are the books on my radar (not including the 2 from the last post): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the book I am desperate to show up on Edelweiss. […]

Posted August 30, 2016 by Andi / 1 Comment
Review: Cinder – Marissa Meyer

Review: Cinder – Marissa..

I will be the first to admit that I am shocked by how much I enjoyed this book. When I first started reading it I was convinced that I wouldn’t want to continue the series. It was just too out there for me. Cyborgs and androids and moon people; that’s just a tad too much for me to take. But as I started to read more and more and I started to see the similarities of Meyer’s Cinderella and the original fairy tale version, I got swept away in the creativity of it all. Was it predictable? Absolutely. But even […]

Posted April 24, 2013 by Andi / 0 Comments