Series: Bumped

Second Chance Sunday – Thumped by Megan McCafferty

Second Chance Sunday – T..

I was nervous reading this one. Bumped was such a great story that I was worried that Thumped wouldn’t live up to its awesomeness. Not to mention the fact that the description confused me. But I must say that McCafferty not only did an amazing follow up to Bumped, but she also left me wanting more of these characters. Thumped picks up about 8 months after Bumped left off. Harmony is back with her church community and her husband Ram pregnant with Jondoe’s twins. She thought it would be best to go back but things are complicated and not getting […]

Posted October 27, 2013 by Andi / 0 Comments
Second Chance Sunday: Bumped by Megan McCafferty

Second Chance Sunday: Bumped b..

It took a little while for this book to intrigue me before I actually decided to add it to my to-read list. I wasn’t sure if I would find the premise all that realistic. I thought it could be gimmicky. But after some small prodding and suggesting, I caved and added it. And then when I got a great deal on it for an eBook, I bought it right up. And so glad I did. The story of Melody and Harmony isn’t one that is easily forgettable. Identical twins, separated at birth, sent to live in two different environments. The […]

Posted September 1, 2013 by Andi / 0 Comments