Category: Guest Post

Blog Tour: The Black Key – Amy Ewing (Top 10 + Giveaway)

Blog Tour: The Black Key ̵..

Today is my stop on the Blog Tour for Amy Ewing’s final book in the The Lone City trilogy, The Black Key. I have been a fan of this series (and Amy) since the beginning so I am very happy to take part in this tour and share one of Amy’s top 10 lists. I had given Amy 3 options to pick from and I must admit I’m happy she went with the one she did! Amy’s Top 10 Favorite Fictional Boys! Because fictional boys are the best. 10. Legolas from The Lord of the Rings. Yes, Aragorn is also […]

Posted September 29, 2016 by Andi / 2 Comments
Blog Tour: For This Life Only by Stacey Kade – Top Ten TV Characters (+a Giveaway)

Blog Tour: For This Life Only ..

Welcome top my stop on Stacey Kade’s blog tour for For This Life Only. Stacey was kind enough to do a Top 10 post and is doing it on her Top Ten Favorite TV Characters. Without further ado: Oh my. *rubs hands together in glee* This is going to be fun! Or extremely difficult given how much TV I watch!  😀 Disclaimer: These aren’t in top ten order. They’re just my ten favorites. Ryan Atwood (The O.C.) I have watched the pilot of this show so many times. And the scene where Sandy helps Ryan with his tie makes me […]

Posted August 26, 2016 by Andi / 4 Comments
Blog Tour: Thank God It’s Monday (A Week of Mondays) – Second Monday Concept Board by Jessica Brody

Blog Tour: Thank God It’..

Today I am a blog stop on Jessica Brody’s Blog Tour for her book A Week of Mondays. Jessica is sharing a look for the Second Monday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you could relive the same day over and over again, what would you do? What would you change? Would you change yourself? As I started writing A WEEK OF MONDAYS, I knew I wanted this to be a reinvention story. I wanted Ellie to essentially re-create herself every single day in order to figure out who she really is by the end. Because that’s what we do, isn’t it? We try […]

Posted August 1, 2016 by Andi / 3 Comments
Blog Tour: Two Summers by Aimee Friedman (Deleted Scene + Giveaway)

Blog Tour: Two Summers by Aime..

Today on the blog we have Aimee Friedman, author of Two Summers. Aimee is sharing with us a scene that was deleted from an earlier draft and it is pretty awesome! Go forth and enjoy. This scene was actually in an earlier draft of the book, when I had a slightly different plotline for Summer: she was working at the local bookstore alongside her crush, Hugh. This scene takes place before an author reading at the store; Summer and Hugh are busy getting ready and have A Moment.   I stop for a moment, breathing in the musty scents of […]

Posted July 5, 2016 by Andi / 2 Comments
Thank God it’s Monday Blog Tour – Jessica Brody Guest Post

Thank God it’s Monday Bl..

ELLISON “ELLIE” SPARKS: An idealistic, ambitious sixteen-year-old junior with a lot on her plate. Those were the first words I ever wrote about Ellie Sparks. They were written in a synopsis for my publisher when I was first trying to sell them on the idea for a book called A WEEK OF MONDAYS. Of course, you can’t write an entire book about a one-sentence character. Just like you can’t live your entire life as a one-sentence person. But every character has to begin somewhere. And this is where Ellie began for me. As an idealistic, ambitious sixteen-year-old junior with a […]

Posted June 20, 2016 by Andi / 0 Comments