Author: Nikki Barthelmess

Debut Review: The Quiet You Carry – Nikki Barthelmess

Debut Review: The Quiet You Ca..

Sometime you read a description for a book and you know going in your heart will be broken. You can just tell the main characters life is going to crush you. The Quiet You Carry was one of those books. The blurb alone almost had me in tears and from the get-go I knew I was in for an emotional roller coaster. The Quiet You Carry is about Victoria, a 17 year old girl that finds herself kicked out of her house at 3am when her father’s weird behavior hits a head. Having nowhere to go she is placed in […]

Posted March 4, 2019 by Andi / 1 Comment
What I’ve Read – Debut Authors

What I’ve Read – D..

I’ve mentioned recently that I am going to be working with some debut authors from the Class of 2k19 over the next few months. In preparation for them guest posting on my blog I have been trying to read their books. So far I have finished 3 and have started the 4th and 5th of a list of 6 books I currently have access to. Why am I telling you this? Because the 3 that I have read I have given 4-5 stars! These debuts are awesome guys and I want to make sure you know that and get them […]

Posted October 22, 2018 by Andi / 2 Comments