Series: Loop

Review: Twist – Karen Akins and a Giveaway

Review: Twist – Karen Ak..

I have basically told everyone and anyone that they needed to read Karen Akin’s debut Loop. I seriously loved that book so much. So when I saw it was a duology I knew I needed to read Twist. I loved that Bree and Finn’s story wasn’t done yet, that there were still ends that needed to be tied up. I was thrilled I would be able to immerse myself in their world again and immerse I did. Twist…LOVED it! (Spoilers for Loop included. Read that before you read my review!) Twist picks up right where Loop left off. Bree and […]

Posted April 6, 2015 by Andi / 12 Comments
Review: Loop – Karen Akins

Review: Loop – Karen Aki..

Mind. Blown. Can that be my review for Loop? No seriously, can I just say ‘mind blown, read it’ and be done with it? Really that is all I want to say. I wanted to tell people to read Loop when I was 4% done with the book. I wanted to tell people when I was 18% done. I just wanted to tell all the people to read it as soon as the possible can. Because Loop, is 100% fantastic! Loop is a fantastic time travel story about Bree, a 16 year old girl, living in the 23rd century where […]

Posted October 20, 2014 by Andi / 11 Comments