Series: The Winner's Trilogy

Review: The Winner’s Kiss – Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Winner’s Kis..

When you think series end you immediately start to internally panic. Whether it is a book or a movie or a TV show an ender can only go one of two ways. You can either be blown away by how the author/writer/director ended things or you can be so disappointed that the series will forever be ruined. I have had both happen and the disappointment sucks. Insert The Winner’s Kiss. Having been late to the party with the series I became an immediate fan after reading The Winner’s Curse. I then devoured The Winner’s Crime and was itching to see […]

Posted March 11, 2016 by Andi / 3 Comments
Review: The Winner’s Crime – Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Winner’s Cri..

Well The Winner’s Crime broke me. I kid you not, it ripped my heart out and stomped on it and then handed it back to me in a puddle. It took my words for two weeks and left me demolished. So naturally I loved it. I was late to the party for the Winner’s trilogy. I had heard a lot about The Winner’s Curse from friends but I had never jumped in. But since I started to read a wider selection of books and not just dystopian and contemporaries I finally gave it a chance. And the end just about […]

Posted March 5, 2015 by Andi / 2 Comments
Review: The Winner’s Curse – Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Winner’s Cur..

I had no plans to read this book. I liked the pretty cover but that was about where it ended. The story didn’t grab my attention. But then something changed and I became curious about the book/series that everyone talks about. After questioning Twitter on what book I should read between two, I got 100% results for The Winner’s Curse. And thus began my journey of agonizing love of this series and I can now say I get the hype. The Winner’s Curse is the story of Kestrel and Arin. Kestrel is the daughter of a highly ranked general. Kestrel […]

Posted January 23, 2015 by Andi / 16 Comments