Tag: Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Midnight Lie – Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Midnight Lie ̵..

In 2014 I fell in love with Marie Rutkoski and The Winner’s Trilogy. The world and characters Marie created was a work of art on each and every page.  The books were all consuming and I have been waiting a lot time for something new from Rutkoski and then I heard about The Midnight Lie, a book that takes place in the world created in The Winner’s Trilogy. I was so excited to be a part of that world again even if it isn’t a continuation. But I was terrified too because I loved the other 3 books so much. […]

Posted March 9, 2020 by Andi / 0 Comments
Review: The Winner’s Kiss – Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Winner’s Kis..

When you think series end you immediately start to internally panic. Whether it is a book or a movie or a TV show an ender can only go one of two ways. You can either be blown away by how the author/writer/director ended things or you can be so disappointed that the series will forever be ruined. I have had both happen and the disappointment sucks. Insert The Winner’s Kiss. Having been late to the party with the series I became an immediate fan after reading The Winner’s Curse. I then devoured The Winner’s Crime and was itching to see […]

Posted March 11, 2016 by Andi / 3 Comments
A Kiss is Just a Kiss – The Winner’s Kiss Blog Tour

A Kiss is Just a Kiss – ..

I’m so excited to be a stop on The Winner’s Kiss blog tour. Admittedly I got into the series late but the love for it is strong. And it will be out in stores before we know it! Anyway for the tour we were asked a really important question. A question that basically took me like .99999 seconds to answer in my head. And If you know me and you know the question it probably took you just as long to think of the answer. Like I would pick anything other than Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins! […]

Posted January 13, 2016 by Andi / 4 Comments
Review: The Winner’s Crime – Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Winner’s Cri..

Well The Winner’s Crime broke me. I kid you not, it ripped my heart out and stomped on it and then handed it back to me in a puddle. It took my words for two weeks and left me demolished. So naturally I loved it. I was late to the party for the Winner’s trilogy. I had heard a lot about The Winner’s Curse from friends but I had never jumped in. But since I started to read a wider selection of books and not just dystopian and contemporaries I finally gave it a chance. And the end just about […]

Posted March 5, 2015 by Andi / 2 Comments
Review: The Winner’s Curse – Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Winner’s Cur..

I had no plans to read this book. I liked the pretty cover but that was about where it ended. The story didn’t grab my attention. But then something changed and I became curious about the book/series that everyone talks about. After questioning Twitter on what book I should read between two, I got 100% results for The Winner’s Curse. And thus began my journey of agonizing love of this series and I can now say I get the hype. The Winner’s Curse is the story of Kestrel and Arin. Kestrel is the daughter of a highly ranked general. Kestrel […]

Posted January 23, 2015 by Andi / 16 Comments