Tag: Playing Chase

Playing Chase – Julie Prestsater: Blog Tour and Giveaway

Playing Chase – Julie Pr..

Today I am taking part of the blog tour for Julie Prestsater’s newest book in the Against the Wall Series, Playing Chase. After the review you will find a link to the giveaway and the list of prizes. Julie writes fun young adult and adult romances that will keep you entertained for hours and you should definitely check them out. Title: Playing Chase [Amazon] Author:  Julie Prestsater [books] Publisher: Self Published Genre:  Adult Contemporary Source/Type: Author/eGalley Stars: 4 of 5 Book Description: There are many words that have been used to describe Chase Marino: cheater, backstabber, dirt bag, heart breaker. […]

Posted September 3, 2013 by Andi / 0 Comments