Category: Card Crafting

Blog Tour: We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal

Blog Tour: We Hunt the Flame b..

I am fortunate enough to be today’s stop on the blog tour for We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal. In terms of full disclosure, I am currently not finished with the book but I can happily tell you that it is really great based on what I read. Stay tuned for my review to be posted sometime this month. Anyway, I don’t need to be done with the book to do today’s post. All I needed was some inspiration, and the location Hafsah set up worked perfectly. As some of you know, I create handmade cards. On occassion, I […]

Posted May 4, 2019 by Andi / 3 Comments
Cards by Andrea S. – Holiday Cards

Cards by Andrea S. – Hol..

It’s that time of year again when I make holiday cards and put them up for sale. I’ve been working hard over the last few weeks to make a variety of cards available for purchase in my Etsy shop. There are single cards, sets of 4 and sets of 6 all available. Here is what you will find right now: If any of these interest you go and check out my Etsy shop HERE!

Posted November 13, 2017 by Andi / 1 Comment
Card Crafting with Jennifer

Card Crafting with Jennifer

Jennifer came to me with an idea about creating a crafty, card making post for each other’s blog. Since we are both card making book lovers it was perfect. So come and say hello to Jennifer from YA Book Nerd and check out her Etsy shop when you are done. Andi and I are teaming up to showcase each other’s work. We both make handmade cards, but we have different styles. Card making is addictive, once you get going, it’s hard to stop. How I got started: one Christmas season, I decide to make the cards we send out. And […]

Posted October 25, 2017 by Andi / 0 Comments