Category: TBR

Monthly TBR – June 2023/May 2023 Wrap-Up

Monthly TBR – June 2023/..

It’s hard to believe I started doing these monthly TBR lists in 2019 and they have somehow stuck for this long. I’m not sure why they have become somewhat successful for me, but I’m sticking to it and seeing how it goes in 2023. Another month another terrible book count. Guess this is the way of 2023. At this pace I’m probably going to hit 52-60 books top. Oh well, such is life. As you can tell the reading didn’t really match the TBR list. Right when I was finishing Liar’s Beach a friend told me she really loved the […]

Posted June 1, 2023 by Andi / 0 Comments
Monthly TBR – May 2023/April 2023 Wrap-Up

Monthly TBR – May 2023/A..

It’s hard to believe I started doing these monthly TBR lists in 2019 and they have somehow stuck for this long. I’m not sure why they have become somewhat successful for me, but I’m sticking to it and seeing how it goes in 2023. Safe to say that 2023 has been my worst reading year in a long long long time. As of this post I have completed reading just 15 books. I’m not sure what my problem is, okay I know that it’s my KDrama obsession, but reading is just not appealing to me like it did. Don’t get […]

Posted May 1, 2023 by Andi / 0 Comments
Monthly TBR – April 2023/March 2023 Wrap-Up

Monthly TBR – April 2023..

It’s hard to believe I started doing these monthly TBR lists in 2019 and they have somehow stuck for this long. I’m not sure why they have become somewhat successful for me, but I’m sticking to it and seeing how it goes in 2023. Hard to believe this was my best reading month so far in 2023. I used to read 12 books a month and now I’m at 1 a week. Such is life I guess. I did start the month off right with Forget Me Not. It comes out in July and it is AMAZING! Sadly it didn’t […]

Posted April 1, 2023 by Andi / 0 Comments
Monthly TBR – March 2023/February 2023 Wrap-Up

Monthly TBR – March 2023..

It’s hard to believe I started doing these monthly TBR lists in 2019 and they have somehow stuck for this long. I’m not sure why they have become somewhat successful for me, but I’m sticking to it and seeing how it goes in 2023. Well the plus is, I read 4 books in February which is one more than the 3 I read in January. And those 4 were all 4-5 star reads. The negative is that I barely read anything on my TBR list which is sad because I am excited for all of these books. But again I […]

Posted March 1, 2023 by Andi / 0 Comments
Monthly TBR – February 2023/January 2023 Wrap-Up

Monthly TBR – February 2..

It’s hard to believe I started doing these monthly TBR lists in 2019 and they have somehow stuck for this long. I’m not sure why they have become somewhat successful for me, but I’m sticking to it and seeing how it goes in 2023. Safe to say January was not the best of reading months, but it was a quality reading month so I’m calling it a win. Not only did I get to reread Anna but I read 2 other amazing 5 stars books that will be out this year. I’m also 20ish% through another 2023 release and I’m […]

Posted February 1, 2023 by Andi / 0 Comments