Publisher: Kathy Dawson Books

Jane, Unlimited: The Umbrella Card Set {+Giveaway}

Jane, Unlimited: The Umbrella ..

Today is my stop on the blog tour for Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore. When I started  the book (truth: I am still reading it as it is a long one, but really enjoying it) I honestly had no idea what I was going to do for my blog post. I was thinking review but I knew a lot of people would be doing that plus if you have seen my other posts you know how terrible I have been at that lately. I wracked my brain for an idea and then as I read a huge theme in the […]

Posted September 27, 2017 by Andi / 3 Comments
TBR – Upcoming Reads

TBR – Upcoming Reads

I sometimes, all the time, get stressed out by the shear amount of books I own or want to read. It can be very overwhelming to look at all the options available to me. Because of this I often forget that I want to read something and then start something else. It is a vicious cycle and I try desperately to break it. I have yet to be successful but I still try. Will that being said there are 6 books that are high on my TBR priority list. Wonder how this will go.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ […]

Posted August 7, 2017 by Andi / 0 Comments
Book Must Reads – BookCon

Book Must Reads – BookCo..

In my post on Tuesday you saw the picture of the books I got a BookCon and the Penguin Teen breakfast. There were not a whole lot, but there were definite some I am super excited about. Out of the 8 in the photo there were 3 that really sparked my interest. One of them will come as no surprise (also I technically didn’t get it at BookCon, a friend grabbed it at BEA and I just finished it), one I’m not sure is me but the author was so passionate about it that I now want to read it, […]

Posted June 8, 2017 by Andi / 1 Comment