Tag: 2018 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge

Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge – December Link-Up

Contemporary Romance Reading C..

HAPPY December, you Fancy Readers! I can’t believe this is the last month of 2018 and of this years challenge! Wow time flies! Thank you all so much for taking part in this year after year or for the first time if that is how you roll.  The new sign-up is live so if you haven’t officially signed up for 2019, you can do so HERE. If you don’t sign-up, your entries will not count toward the giveaway and I have to disqualify you. Basically…SIGN-UP! I’m even switching it up next year for the Monthly Topic. Monthly Link-Up and Giveaway […]

Posted December 1, 2018 by Andi / 1 Comment
Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge – November Link-Up

Contemporary Romance Reading C..

HAPPY November, you Fancy Readers! How is it possible it is almost time for a new year? It seems like just yesterday we were starting 2018. And with the change of the calendar a new month comes and so does a new Reading Challenge link-up!  If you haven’t officially signed up for the challenge, you can do so HERE. If you don’t sign-up, your entries will not count toward the giveaway and I have to disqualify you. Basically…SIGN-UP! Monthly Link-Up and Giveaway Details: Your thoughts on each book you read must be posted somewhere, like your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Tumblr, […]

Posted November 1, 2018 by Andi / 0 Comments
Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge – October Link-Up

Contemporary Romance Reading C..

HAPPY October, you Fancy Readers! Wow, I can’t believe we are in the final stretch of the year. Time has flown before our very eyes. And with a new month comes a new Reading Challenge link-up!  If you haven’t officially signed up for the challenge, you can do so HERE. If you don’t sign-up, your entries will not count toward the giveaway and I have to disqualify you. Basically…SIGN-UP! Monthly Link-Up and Giveaway Details: Your thoughts on each book you read must be posted somewhere, like your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Tumblr, etc., in order for it to count towards this […]

Posted October 1, 2018 by Andi / 1 Comment
Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge – September Link-Up

Contemporary Romance Reading C..

HAPPY September, you Fancy Readers! I honestly can’t believe it is September already. The rest of the year goes so slow yet summer flies by every time. But it means it is a new month in the Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge (sorry for the delay, August was a bad month for me). If you haven’t officially signed up for the challenge, you can do so HERE. If you don’t sign-up, your entries will not count toward the giveaway and I have to disqualify you. Basically…SIGN-UP! Monthly Link-Up and Giveaway Details: Your thoughts on each book you read must be posted […]

Posted September 4, 2018 by Andi / 0 Comments
Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge – August Link-Up

Contemporary Romance Reading C..

HAPPY August, you Fancy Readers! I truly am going to miss summer when it is gone. We are in August now and I’m shocked how quickly the year went, but we are here so that means it is a new month in the Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge. If you haven’t officially signed up for the challenge, you can do so HERE. If you don’t sign-up, your entries will not count toward the giveaway and I have to disqualify you. Basically…SIGN-UP! Monthly Link-Up and Giveaway Details: Your thoughts on each book you read must be posted somewhere, like your blog, Goodreads, […]

Posted August 1, 2018 by Andi / 0 Comments