Tag: Graceling

Review: Bitterblue – Kristin Cashore

Review: Bitterblue – Kri..

And the Graceling spark is back! What a great, great ending to a pretty amazing series that I almost never read. If you have read my reviews of Graceling and Fire you know that while I loved Graceling to pieces, Fire was definitely not my favorite. I liked it a lot, but I didn’t love it. So with one book left in the series I was scared. I had no idea what I was getting in the final chapter of the story. Well, folks, I got exactly what I hoped for. I got a story that was almost as good […]

Posted February 27, 2013 by Andi / 0 Comments
Review: Fire – Kristin Cashore

Review: Fire – Kristin C..

For me, it was hard to top the amazingness that was Graceling. You read my review (if you didn’t you can check it out here), you heard me gush about it and call it even better than The Hunger Games. And I truly believe that. Bust sadly Fire just wasn’t up to that level. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed the ‘prequel’-like story and I loved Brigan and Fire for the most part, but it just didn’t hit me the same way as Katsa and Po’s story did. Fire is the story of a girl named Fire that lives […]

Posted February 20, 2013 by Andi / 1 Comment
Review: Graceling-Kristin Cashore

Review: Graceling-Kristin Cash..

I’m going to say this and I’m going to say it without hesitation…Graceling was better than The Hunger Games. Yup, I said it out loud and I truly, honestly, 100% mean it. Because Graceling was hands down fantastic! It was a 471-page book and my only complaint is that it wasn’t longer. Graceling touched me in a way that no other book really has. And the truth is I almost didn’t read it. You see I had an aversion to all things deemed “fantasy” and refused to try them. Well after some listening to massive amounts of gush on this […]

Posted January 16, 2013 by Andi / 4 Comments