Tag: Madden Girl

Petite Style

Petite Style

So last week I posted 3 Plus Size Style options based off a request. I had so much fun doing that I decided to do a Petite Style version for my shorty friends(I say that with love since my mom is under 5 feet as are two of my best friends). 🙂 So when looking at petite clothing options I found a few stores that seem to carry their items in a petite option. Old Navy, The Loft, The Gap and Target, to name a few, all had a great selection of items. I tried to pull together a mix […]

Posted March 21, 2013 by Andi / 0 Comments
Plus Size Style

Plus Size Style

I received a request from a friend asking if I would do some plus size style. I am a huge believer that size doesn’t matter clothing size doesn’t matter. Don’t look at the size and go into size shock. That, much like age, is just a number. What is important is fit. If your clothes fit and fit right it doesn’t matter what section of a store you shop in or what the number is on the inside label. To some this request may have been a hard challenge, I’m looking at you Project Runway contestants! But I had fun […]

Posted March 14, 2013 by Andi / 0 Comments