Tag: Reading

Getting On Track – January

Getting On Track – Janua..

To kick off 2021 I decided I was going to try my hand at templates to keep better track of my reading. At the beginning of the month I will be sharing the following templates to help myself keep track of my challenges I have given myself. Netgalley 2021: Got that percentage up one point even adding 4 books. The review number for February should go down because I have a couple books that are being released. I’m impressed with even the smallest amount of change I manage to make. 2021 Reads: I read some great books in January with […]

Posted February 2, 2021 by Andi / 0 Comments
Getting On Track – Introduction

Getting On Track – Intro..

To kick off 2021 I decided I was going to try my hand at templates to keep better track of my reading. At the beginning of the month I will be sharing the following templates to help myself keep track of my challenges I have given myself. Netgalley 2021: I currently have 71 books on my Netgalley shelf that either need to be read or reviewed. My goal in 2021 is to get that down to 50 (I kept in mind that I will be approved for some over the year) and to get my feedback ratio up to 84%. […]

Posted January 5, 2021 by Andi / 2 Comments
Reading and Wishing(1)

Reading and Wishing(1)

Every so often I get the itch to read about 14 books at a time. I am still in touch with reality enough to know this isn’t possible, but I usually wish it was. I’ll be reading some really great books and then I’ll get something new or someone will mention how much they loved a book and I will want to read that right then and there. It is a struggle…always…and I know there is nothing I can do about it. Well, minus tell you all about my struggle. Welcome to my random feature Reading and Wishing. I’ll share […]

Posted March 28, 2019 by Andi / 2 Comments