Tag: Reading

Getting On Track – November

Getting On Track – Novem..

To kick off 2021 I decided I was going to try my hand at templates to keep better track of my reading. At the beginning of the month I will be sharing the following templates to help myself keep track of my challenges I have given myself. Netgalley 2021: Another month, another percentage point up in my feedback ration. Sure I have 15 reviews to write and post, but 8 of those are from Netgalley November so I’ll take it. Looks like I will hit my goal in December unless I do something crazy and request a million books…which is […]

Posted December 2, 2021 by Andi / 0 Comments
Getting On Track – October

Getting On Track – Octob..

To kick off 2021 I decided I was going to try my hand at templates to keep better track of my reading. At the beginning of the month I will be sharing the following templates to help myself keep track of my challenges I have given myself. Netgalley 2021: I couldn’t be happier with how my Netgalley is going. October was another good month of approvals but of reading and reviewing. I’m still beyond my goal and I’m hoping to keep it that way! 2021 Reads: I need to read 27 more books in 2021 to fill both of these […]

Posted November 2, 2021 by Andi / 0 Comments
Getting On Track – September

Getting On Track – Septe..

To kick off 2021 I decided I was going to try my hand at templates to keep better track of my reading. At the beginning of the month I will be sharing the following templates to help myself keep track of my challenges I have given myself. Netgalley 2021: I’m still on track and I’m still proud of myself for being on track. Sure I have a lot of reviews to write, but I will write them and they will get posted when the books come out. 2021 is still going strong reading wise! 2021 Reads: 12 books was the […]

Posted October 2, 2021 by Andi / 0 Comments
Getting On Track – August

Getting On Track – Augus..

To kick off 2021 I decided I was going to try my hand at templates to keep better track of my reading. At the beginning of the month I will be sharing the following templates to help myself keep track of my challenges I have given myself. Netgalley 2021: I don’t if you see that number under ratio and the number under goal, but they match! I have managed to reach my goal of an 84% feedback ratio in August and my unread Netgalley books number as well. I know that Netgalley is fluid and constantly changing, but I’m applauding […]

Posted September 2, 2021 by Andi / 1 Comment
Getting On Track – July

Getting On Track – July

To kick off 2021 I decided I was going to try my hand at templates to keep better track of my reading. At the beginning of the month I will be sharing the following templates to help myself keep track of my challenges I have given myself. Netgalley 2021: Well I’m doing good on Netgalley. That much is clear. What I’m not doing good on is my reviews. HAHA. Seriously though, 11 isn’t too bad considering 4 of those are August releases and 3 are September. That hopefully will increase my feedback ratio more, but I do have a few […]

Posted August 2, 2021 by Andi / 0 Comments