Tag: The Mirror King

To Be Reviewed (1)

To Be Reviewed (1)

Like any blogger I have a mountain long list of books that I have loved and have yet to review. Some of these books I read last year which means I need a reread before I write my review because we all know there is no way I remember the things I need to remember. Everyday I look at this list and think I should just write some of them and then I get overwhelmed by the number and decide to read a new book. Currently my list has about 15-17 books on it which in hindsight isn’t that bad […]

Posted July 10, 2017 by Andi / 3 Comments
Blog Tour – The Mirror King by Jodi Meadow: The ABCs (+ a Giveaway)

Blog Tour – The Mirror K..

  Today on the blog tour for The Mirror King I have Jodi Meadows guest posting The ABCs for Wilhelmina.  Wil is a pretty straightforward girl that has some items that you know are her as soon as you see them. Welcome Jodi (and by extension, Wil) to the blog. Accessory: Daggers. I mean, Wilhelmina already has daggers, but what girl doesn’t need more weapons? Wil’s current daggers are perfectly serviceable, and she’s pretty attached to them, given all they’ve been through together, but if she were to have new daggers, perhaps they’d have fine ebony hilts, some sort of […]

Posted April 11, 2016 by Andi / 7 Comments
Challenge Updates: September Check-In

Challenge Updates: September C..

Along with my Goodreads Challenge (you can find my progress on the side bar) I also challenged myself to 2 other challenges for 2015. Every month I will check in with my challenge updates. Back in December I signed up for The Re-Read Challenge hosted by Belle of the Literati and So Obsessed With. Honestly I didn’t expect this to be a problem and so far it hasn’t. I’m on track to reach my goal of 12-14 books without a hitch. My September rereads: NO REREADS I suck. That is all there is to it. My last reread was in […]

Posted October 1, 2015 by Andi / 1 Comment