NKOTB – The Package

Posted January 24, 2013 by Andi in Extras / 0 Comments

The boys are back! The boys are back! The boys are back!

After a few year hiatus and an even longer break with no new music, New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) announced earlier this week that they would be going on a new tour, releasing a new album, and making girls everywhere feel like a kid again. Like I said, the boys are back, and this kid is going to see them!


On Tuesday the best worst kept secret was reveled on The View that NKOTB was in fact officially going back out on tour and they were bringing two special groups with them. Gone were the days of NKOTBSB. picIt was time for a change and a great change it will be. The tour, which is being called The Package (you can leave your thoughts in the gutter right with me if you choose) will not only include 98 Degrees, but Boyz II Men (you know you’re singing Mo’ Town Philly right now!). And there will be no more co-headlining. Each group will perform on their own and have their own sets. SCORE! Sign me up please!

And then the panic sets in because now I need tickets! I’ve been to probably one show on every tour NKOTB has done, well main stream tours, and I couldn’t miss this one. But I NKOTBdollsalso remember the old days and what it was like not only to get concert tickets but to get the merchandise. I remember my mom on the phone for hours only to end up getting the nosebleed seats at the Garden with obstructed view. Or having to know someone that knows someone to get you a seat. I remember waking up every morning of school vacations and calling every Toys R Us store within a 20 mile radius just to get my hands on one of the dolls (I had all at one point, both work out and concert, and still have my Danny Wood ones to this day). But it is also a different time, a different day. Things aren’t done the same way NKOTBanymore thanks to the internet and changing times. I pay for my NKOTB Block Nation membership every year for this exact reason. I pay to get access to early tickets because I can now. Like the New Kids, I have grown up and hold my fate in my own hands. I was able to get seats on the field for the Fenway show in 2011 because of my membership and I would be able to get tickets for The Package (giggle, giggle) too.

And tickets did I get! I was able to score seats on the floor for me and 3 of my girlfriends, but it didn’t come without hassle. I had a set, lost them because of lag time and had to go back in and do it all over again. It was stressful and annoying but it is done and I now get to proudly show my NKOTB pride once again because lets face it, I loved them then and I love them now!

NKOTB2 pin


What group have you loved for years that you would love to see on tour again?



0 responses to “NKOTB – The Package

  1. You know I’m as excited as you are to have the guys back with new music, a new tour and two great bands to join them! It’s going to be a fun summer having them back again! I had so many of the items you have pictured above. Brings back great memories!

  2. Hell yes!!! I’m with you!! Will be there with my NKOTB partner in crime. I can’t wait. And yes, my mind is right there in the gutter with you. $1000 tickets for the Total Package! Are they crazy? If I’m paying a thousand bucks, I better damn well get the “Total Package”! Hahahaa….. isn’t it great to be an adult with money who can splurge on seeing the boy band we have so faithfully loved for over 25 years!

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