The ABCs with Yani at Paper Boulevard

Posted August 27, 2014 by Andi in Guest Post, The ABCs / 0 Comments


Welcome to the revamped ABCs.  In the past I have used this weekly Wednesday post as a link up but times are a changing. I’m switching things up as you have learned HERE.

Today we have the adorable Yani at Paper Boulevard sharing with us the accessories, books and clothes she is lusting after.

Now let’s give a warm ABCers welcome to Yani!



I always wanted to have a piercing on my nose, just the smallest or cutest one, the only thing that people could notice once they are near me. But my mom won’t allow me because of the lamest reasons she has. So I thought of buying a fake one just to fulfill my craving over it. It’s nice too because it is a non pierced hoop and it is endless. And it has its simplicity. Just a clip on. You should definitely check out artstudio88 on Etsy because they have the best accessories, ever.

2. Book– Love Letters to the Dead (CD-Audio)
I wondered one night what it’s like to have a CD-Audio of a book and listen to it with an old CD tape player. I decided to have one (soon) and I chose Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira. I really thought of listening to the music Laurel is listening to while she was writing down those letters or whenever she listens to the dead artists songs. I just wanted to listen to what she was listening to. I wanted to feel how she felt those days.

3. Clothing– CROP MUSCLE TANK from PINK of V.S. (item no longer available)
I really love Victoria Secret’s PINK! I drool for it. I watch the VS fashion show every year and get updates like a stalker through their Twitter feed. Their wings are envious. The muscle tank is what I love on PINK especially the number’s font. The tank is like talking to me to get it from where it is right now because it does not want its place anymore. Ha!


Thanks Yani for playing!

If you would like to play like Yani did, sign-ups are open.



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