Pocket Letter Sign-Ups : Round 2 {CLOSED}

Posted January 22, 2016 by Andi in Pocket Letter / 5 Comments

In November I hosted a Pocket Letter swap. There were 36 of us and it seemed to be a rousing success (basically I received no complaints). Since people seemed to enjoy it and were interested in maybe doing another one I decided to give Round 2 a go.

If you are new to Pocket Letters you are probably wondering what they are. Pocket Letters are something created by Janette Lane and are a fun way to send snail mail love while being creative. A better explanation:

Pocket Letters are penpal letters in. pocket format. Basically, you fill all the pockets of a 9 Pocket Page Protector (or similar) and send.
~Pocket Letter Pals

I’m not going to deny that I love getting snail mail. There is something super exciting about something showing up in a mail box/PO Box. I love not knowing what it will be when I open the envelope. I love seeing people’s creativity.

The thing about Pocket Letters are they are pretty simple to make based off of some YouTube videos. (See HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE if interested. There are a ton more.) All you need is some crafting supplies (pretty paper/card stock, washi, embellishments, stickers…), a 9 pocket baseball card sheet (you can buy 10 for like $5.00 on Amazon or can buy them at Staples, Walmart, probably even Target), and some creativity.

Anyway after the first round I got some feedback and changed a few things. People were concerned about gift card amounts (gift cards were not required) so I decided to remove that question from the questionnaire. Also participants wanted more information on their partner so I added a “Tell your partner more about you” box. The other difference is the option to have a random partner or to send to the same person sending to you. Honestly I don’t know if this will work or if I can accommodate everyone but I’m going to test it out and see how it goes.

The most noticeable of changes (if you did the first round) is the addition of a Flip Book option. In the past couple of months I have come to love the Flip Book style of crafting. I have found a some Instagram accounts (HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE) that have inspired me to make my own. Since I love it so much I thought I would introduce it to all of you you and see if you are interested. If it becomes something people enjoy then it may get it’s own “feature”. If you would like some YouTube tutorials please see HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE).

Okay, on to the information part.


  1. Fill out the form below by 11:59 PM (EST) on 1/26/16. I will then pair you with your partner. This is INTERNATIONAL as it is usually able to be sent with a couple of stamps. I will try to pair by region/country if I can.

  2.  Partner information will be emailed by 1/29/16.

  3. Starting planning your creativity. There are only one requirements for this round. You MUST include a letter. Trinkets are okay to be included but not a requirement. Please remember what you send out may not be what you get back and that is okay. This is for fun and a way to be creative. But a letter is a MUST.

  4. Mail out your pocket letter/flip book by 2/12/16. If you will be late mailing out your letter please contact me.

  5. A Link-Up will be posted on 2/12/16. When you receive your pocket letter/flip book please tweet, Instagram, blog, vlog about it and link-up so we can all see the awesomeness and care that went into these.

  6. If you would like to continue sending back and forth with your partner that is up to the you.

  7. Most importantly have fun and if you sign-up follow through as I don’t want to have to chase people.


If you have any questions please feel free to email me.



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