Collection or Obsession: Anna and the French Kiss

Posted July 22, 2016 by Andi in Extras, General / 13 Comments


I don’t know if you guys know this, but I love Anna and the French Kiss. I know right? SHOCKING. I like never talk about that book and I like hardly read it…oh wait, never mind. You would have to never have read my blog, spoken to me, read my tweets or looked at my Goodreads to know that I love that book. I say it all the time that it is just a book that makes me feel good. It makes me happy and it makes me feel like I have just been given a huge hug.

Somewhere along the line my love of this book has grown into a collection of epic proportions. It started innocently enough when I just wanted to get all the ARCs, matching paper back and matching hardcovers. When word got out about that then I started getting gifted foreign editions. When word got out about that Stephanie Perkins made the happiest Anna fan there is and started to send me foreign editions THAT ARE SIGNED! I mean what is this life??

Yesterday I was looking at my updated collection:

collection2.0Thanks Stephanie for the newest addition!

I realized that I am missing some books to really make this collection a thing of beauty. I still need a few to fill some holes and there are some foreign editions that I am dying to get my hands on. So I made a list. What is that list you say? Well I’m happy you asked:

First and formost I need the UK Lola and the Boy Next Door. Do I collect Lola and Isla? Not really. But I have the UK of the other two so I need Lola to fill that gap. Also I need a new hardcover of the US Anna. I lent it to someone and it was never returned so I need to replace that.

Okay, on to what you really want to see, the foreign edition:


1st Cover, German Edition (I have the 2nd cover but I LOVE the first so much!)


2nd Cover, Italian Edition (I have the 1st (thanks Steph!) but I really want this one too.)


Turkish Edition


Vietnamese Edition (would you look at that cover??)


Indonesia Edition: This one is my unicorn. I have wanted this one for over a year and it just hasn’t happened.

Will I ever find these? I don’t know. But I do know that I need them.

So I ask you, collection or obsession?

*all foreign edition covers were located on Stephanie Perkins’ blog and not not belong to me.



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13 responses to “Collection or Obsession: Anna and the French Kiss

  1. Those Indonesian and Vietnamese covers tho!!!!! I don’t collect any books or special copies (or anything really even out of the book world) but those two covers make me almost want to buy those to have on my shelf!!

  2. Oh this is totally a collection! Not an obsession! LOL! I’m like this with Maria V. Snyder’s books. Though I’ve pretty much written off trying to obtain ARCs and all the foreign editions. I’m happy with getting UK and Australia copies because I can still “read” it! LOL!

    Lovely collection though!

  3. This collection is amazing!!!! It boggles my mind to see all the different editions and covers. I love collecting and hope you find the ones you’re still looking for!

  4. Jessica

    I absolutely love your collection! Where did you get the US hardcovers? I can only find the hardcovers with the people on them. I’d love to own the colorful ones.

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