Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite TV Shows

Posted September 6, 2016 by Andi in Top 10 Tuesday / 5 Comments

I’m a TV fan. There, I said it. Truthfully I used to watch TV a lot more than I do now (and I still watch my fair share of TV). I’m not as addicted to shows as I used to me. Now there is only a handful of shows I’m upset if I miss (mainly all the Chicago shows on NBC). But back in the day I was a fantastic watcher. I never missed and episode of Lost on the night it aired and never read one spoiler for it. Because of this narrowing down this list to 10 was hard, but away we go.


1. Lost – Like I mentioned above, I never ,ever missed an episode of Lost while it was airing. It was a ritual in my house. First it was just myself that watched. Then I got my mom into it and then my 2 friends joined. Soon all four of us were sitting around watching Lost on Wednesday nights. Truth, I’m one of the few that loved the finale.


2. Beverly Hills, 90210 – What can I say about this show? This was my life for 10 years. I loved everything about it…EVERYTHING! Loved the over the top drama and the awkward fashion and the fighting and the Brenda – Kelly – Dylan fight (Team Kelly and Dylan). David and Donna were always my favorites. I think a rewatch is in store.


3. Dawson’s Creek – Probably one of my favorite teenage dramas. This show was something new and different and unexpected for teen watchers. I remember watching the pilot and immediately falling in love I remember hating Dawson after a while and falling completely in love with Pacey. And I remember the above scene as clear as day as one of the most powerful and beautiful scenes to ever be on TV. Yes Pacey, I too remember everything.


4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer – I have never laughed and cried and swooned more than I did watching Buffy. Such a crazy concept when you think about making a vampire show make sense, yet it was done so perfectly you can’t help but believe. I was and still am head over heels for this television masterpiece and the performance by Sarah Michelle Gellar and company that made this show one of the best to ever be on television.


5. Veronica Mars – I was admittedly late to the party with this one. After some prodding and pushing I caved and watched and to this day it is one of the best things I have ever done. The amount of love i have for LoVe is insane. They are one of my all time favorite TV couples and I’m still mad it was all cut so short.


6. 24 – Is there anyone cooler than Jack Bauer? I think not. Another show I was late to the party on. I think I missed the first 3 seasons as they played but as I caught up (AKA binged) on those seasons I was addicted. Watching Jack Bauer save the world one hour at a time is something I still miss on a daily basis.


7. The O.C. – I know when this show started everyone was all Ryan Atwood blah, blah, blah. And I get it, I do. He was the kid you needed to root for. But for me it was always about Seth Cohen and Summer Roberts. Seth, the boy that made geeky cool and Summer, the popular girl that fell for the nerd. Their story will always be one of my TV favorites.


8. Friends – I mean who doesn’t love friends? Everything about the show was perfect, perfect, perfect. To this day I still laugh at all the jokes I have heard millions of times and I don’t think I ever won’t. It’s just one of those shows you never tire of.


9. Sex and the City – Another one of those shows I just loved from start to beginning. Between the clothes and the accessories and the shopping and the friendship and New York, what is there not to love?? Still one of my favorite TV watching experiences.


10. Breaking Bad – Yet another binge watch. I managed to not watch any of this while it aired and I was never spoiled on how it ends. I consider that I huge feat considering how easy it is to be spoiled these days. Did I love every episode? Nope. Some where boring. But it really was a fantastic series with great cast of characters. The finale is one of me all time favorites due to the unexpectedness of it.6

And there you have my 10 television show favorites. I could do an honorable mention, add reality TV to the list, add shows currently on the air but I’ll keep it at this.

What are your 10 favorite TV shows of all time?

*Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
** Click on the gifs to find the sites I found them on.



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