Champagne Wishes and Crafty Dreams 14: My Craft Space

Posted January 5, 2017 by Andi in Crafty Fun / 2 Comments

I’m in love with my craft space. You have probably seen it on Instagram or even on Twitter, but I love it so much I thought my little space should make it’s debut on my blog. Now I will tell you that some of this has changed slightly (these photos are from November) but I will mention what has been changed when I show the places changed.

First I’ll start by explaining that the room is actually a large walk in closet at the very back of my house.  Over the years it has been a storage place but recently we had the floor put down and I was able to create my craft nook. My friends’ dad put in the shelves for me for my most prized books and I am now surrounded by a lot of my favorite things.

Without further preamble…My Craft Space:

The desk top and legs and Alex drawer unit is from IKEA. I didn’t want white or wood for the table top so I was happy to see it come in this grey color. And the legs added a little interest without being too big and getting in the way. It wasn’t the easiest piece of furniture to put together (Thank you Deana!) but I love it and it is perfect for the space I have and what I need.

My friends were kind enough to let me use a chair they were no longer using and it went perfectly with my set up. The chair is also from IKEA and I love the bow on the back. On the desk itself I have a paper tray (yup, IKEA) where I put my most used stamps, card stock, score board, ink swatches and Spectrum Noir color chart. Speaking of Spectrum Noir this marker holder has grown a lot as I have almost the whole collection of markers now. I think I need 4 more sets of 6 and then I’m done. Next to the markers is a tray I got a TJ Maxx that I put some of my favorite washi tapes in. After that I just have the glues, scissors, pens, and pencils I use the most in some fab cups.

This wall has two of my favorite prints. I bought the first one on Society 6 and it’s designed by Gillian and I’m obsessed with it. I have it on a tank top too. The Boston sky line was a birthday gift from my friend Megan (Thanks Megs!). I know she got it on Etsy but I’m not sure what shop. Anyway, I bought frames at IKEA and bam, perfect art to inspire. (I have since added a gold glitter wooden A to the wall.)

On the other wall I have my two favorite prints from my favorite illustrator, Melsy’s Illustrations. I have been dying to buy stuff from her and when I knew this space was a go it was the perfect time. Next on my list is one of her coasters. It will be a struggle to pick a design though as they are all fantastic. (I have since added a flamingo framed picture that the lovely Tonya gave me.)

Probably the last time this desk was this neat. Also the lamp in cart are IKEA.

This cart was a later addition to the crafty space. I bought it on Amazon for like $40 and it was the best money spent. It fits perfectly and it awesome for storage. I keep adhesive, embossing supplies, washi, punch boards, card stock and more in these draws. On the top I currently have my die cutting machine that I got for XMAS so that has changed. Truthfully, I want like 6 more of these. They are perfect.

And finally my shelves. I need to buy some cork panels to cover the bottom half, but all in due time. Go ahead, gawk at my pretties.

And there you have it, a brief look at my crafty haven where I am surrounded by the things I love.

What do you think?


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2 responses to “Champagne Wishes and Crafty Dreams 14: My Craft Space

  1. I looooove Melsy’s Illustrations too! I wish that her line weren’t so long every single day this year in the Bryant Park holiday shops! Your craft space is glorious and I love that you have all of your copies of Anna above your desk!

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