Monthly TBR – September Wrap/October 2022

Posted September 30, 2022 by Andi in TBR, Wrap Up / 0 Comments

New year, new TBR list look. I have tweaked my list some from last year. I stuck with the 12 book format and the one TBD spot, but I have added in a ReRead and a Kindle Unlimited space (if you want to see why, go to this posts HERE). Like last year, this isn’t a set in stone list and I will freely move away from it, but it is a loose plan.

Once again I had a pretty rough reading month. Not really sure what happened. I blame the kdrama watching and bad luck picking books. I had one book that was my second DNF of the year and one that I was wildly excited for that ended up being a let down. I will say that In Nightfall is a book you need on your TBR. It releases in March of 2023 and it is probably Suzanne Young’s best book.


Basically my October list is pretty similar to my September list since I didn’t get to a lot of the books I had planned on reading. We’ll see how it goes this time, but I’m not hopefully. The need to read has just not been there so it is what it is. I am really excited for these books though so hopefully that sparks something.

What do you do for a monthly TBR? Do you stick to a list or wing it? Have you read any of these?

Share in the comments.

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