Category: Blog Tour

Blog Tour: The Boy Next Story by Tiffany Schmidt

Blog Tour: The Boy Next Story ..

Last year when I reviewed A Date with Darcy (previously Bookish Boyfriends) I said: “…I have read a couple of books by Tiffany Schmidt, and I have met her in person. Bookish Boyfriends is probably the most Tiffany book I have ever read.” After reading The Boy Next Story, I stand corrected. This is the most Tiffany book I have ever read! I know that sounds weird to say and if you have never met her you may not understand, but I could feel her and her love for writing and teaching and the classic novels in every turn of […]

Posted May 23, 2019 by Andi / 1 Comment
Blog Tour: We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal

Blog Tour: We Hunt the Flame b..

I am fortunate enough to be today’s stop on the blog tour for We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal. In terms of full disclosure, I am currently not finished with the book but I can happily tell you that it is really great based on what I read. Stay tuned for my review to be posted sometime this month. Anyway, I don’t need to be done with the book to do today’s post. All I needed was some inspiration, and the location Hafsah set up worked perfectly. As some of you know, I create handmade cards. On occassion, I […]

Posted May 4, 2019 by Andi / 3 Comments
Blog Tour: Love from A to Z by S. K. Ali

Blog Tour: Love from A to Z by..

The description for Love from A to Z says, “…an unforgettable romance that is part The Sun Is Also a Star mixed with Anna and the French Kiss…”. I was concerned when I read that. Anna and the French Kiss is my all-time favorite book so those are some really big shoes to fill. However, the book sounded too good to pass up, even if it scared me. Well, thank goodness I did because Love from A to Z was so heartbreakingly beautiful and I didn’t want it to end. Love from A to Z is a book about Adam and Zayneb, two […]

Posted April 30, 2019 by Andi / 0 Comments
Blog Tour Guest Post: When Summer Ends by Jessica Pennington{GIVEAWAY}

Blog Tour Guest Post: When Sum..

Today is my stop of the blog tour for Jessica Pennington’s sophomore novel, When Summer Ends (out in stores now!). For my stop on the tour, Jessica is posting the ABCs for her two main characters, Aiden and Olivia. Having already read the book (you can find my review HERE), I love what she picked for both of them. It is so spot on! Without further ado, here are the ABCs: Accessory: Doesn’t everyone load up their canoe with art supplies?? This summer, Aiden’s taking his art into the great outdoors, to be inspired by the beautiful landscapes and hidden […]

Posted April 10, 2019 by Andi / 3 Comments
Blog Tour: Excerpt of In Another Life – C. C. Hunter

Blog Tour: Excerpt of In Anoth..

  Read an excerpt from In Another Life “What are you doing?” I ask when Dad pulls over at a con­venience store only a mile from where Mom and I are now living. My voice sounds rusty after not talking during the five-­hour ride. But I was afraid that if I said anything, it would all spill out: My anger. My hurt. My disappointment in the man who used to be my superhero. “I need gas and a bathroom,” he says. “Bathroom? So you can’t even come in to see Mom when you drop me off?” My heart crinkles up […]

Posted March 25, 2019 by Andi / 0 Comments