Category: Talking About

Talking About…(11)

Talking About…(11)

This is going to be really hard for you to all hear. And I swear I have tried and wanted it to work out but it just isn’t and I can’t force it. It has been a valiant effort on my part and I know this is going to break a lot of book nerd hearts. I tried to ignore it and push though but I just can’t do it anymore. The truth is, I’m just not a fan of Harry Potter and I don’t think I’m going to finish the series. There, I said it. And below is a […]

Posted August 21, 2017 by Andi / 11 Comments
Talking About…(10)

Talking About…(10)

Imagine this. You are sitting down with your eReader or looking at your bookshelf. You can all the titles you have staring you in the face. So many great books just waiting for you to read. Some you have been dying to read for a long time. Others you have just recently gotten. Your eyes go over and over everything and suddenly they land on a book you love. A book you have read before. You pick it up thinking: “I’ll just read the beginning” and before you know it…you are 100 pages in and have no plans on stopping. […]

Posted June 26, 2017 by Andi / 3 Comments
Talking About…(9)

Talking About…(9)

Speed Reading. That’s what I’m Talking About today. Last Monday – Wednesday I did something I have never done before. I read a 700 page fantasy book, A Court of Wings and Ruin, in under 3 days. Typically I take DAYS/WEEKS to read a fantasy book that is that long. I mean I think it took me 3 weeks to finish A Court of Mist and Fury just last May. I never read them that fast because I usually need to take my time and get back in the setting. But there were two reasons I read it so quickly. […]

Posted May 8, 2017 by Andi / 3 Comments
Talking About…(8)

Talking About…(8)

Living in Boston I am lucky (well kind of) and I get a rare work snow day every now and again.  It’s great because then I have all the time off (well minus the gross time of shoveling) to read and make cards and do the things. Yesterday was one of those rare work snow days and I had massive plans. I need to work on some crafty things so I was going to make about 4 cards and do a few other things. I was going to finish Lucky in Love and maybe start my next book. I was […]

Posted February 10, 2017 by Andi / 1 Comment
Talking About…(7)

Talking About…(7)

Reviewing a series. I think about this a lot. It is probably one of the hardest things to do as a reader/blogger. It starts simple enough. You get book one and you happily read it. You take in the setting and the characters and everything that leads up to the, most likely, cliff hanger ending.     When you finish it is review time. Pen to paper, okay, more keyboard to computer screen, and you get all your thoughts and feelings out. You express what you liked in the book, what you wanted more of, character development, the plot. Everyone […]

Posted January 30, 2017 by Andi / 3 Comments