Talking About…(10)

Posted June 26, 2017 by Andi in Talking About / 3 Comments

Imagine this. You are sitting down with your eReader or looking at your bookshelf. You can all the titles you have staring you in the face. So many great books just waiting for you to read. Some you have been dying to read for a long time. Others you have just recently gotten. Your eyes go over and over everything and suddenly they land on a book you love. A book you have read before. You pick it up thinking: “I’ll just read the beginning” and before you know it…you are 100 pages in and have no plans on stopping.

What are we talking about today? The accidentally reread.

The above situation just happened to me this morning (not the 100 page part because I can only read so much on the train). I was looking for a Kindle book because I had to leave my physical book at home. I scanned all of the books I have (87 pages of options) and my eyes landed on Parallel by Lauren Miller and an accidental reread began.

Actually, if I’m honest, this has happened on multiple occasions. I am the queen of the accidental reread. I have done this so many times I have lost count. As I have mentioned before, I find comfort in a reread. It is like hanging out with an old friend. I get drawn into the idea of revisiting the love and down the rabbit hole I go. I can’t help it. To be honest the biggest culprit has been I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios. I always get sucked into that book and I’m not sorry.

In fairness I know there are so many other books waiting for me to read. Trust me, I look at my shelves and I see this and I feel terrible about it. But sometimes I just accidentally start reading an old favorite and you just can’t stop. But I do apologize to all of you new shiny books waiting for me. Someday you may be an accidental reread but until then…

So tell me, have you ever done an accidental reread? What book sucked you in?

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3 responses to “Talking About…(10)

  1. This happens to me ALL the time! I always feel guilty too but sometimes you’ve just got to do what the heart wants. For me, it’s usually picking up a series again, not just a particular book. I tend to restart Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and a Series of Unfortunate Events. I’ll be on a huge binge kick but then will, not necessarily, lose interest but I start to look back longingly at my shelves for something I haven’t read yet. So then I set whatever book in the series down, even if I’m not finished, and go read something new. Parallel is a great choice btw 😉

  2. Haha I love this! Honestly it’s never happened to me because I’m suuuuper intentional about my rereads, but I can see how it could happen. I’m more of an accidental READ because I’ll be like “hmm I’ll test the first page” and then just don’t stop reading.

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