Author: Lily Anderson

Blog Tour: Excerpt of Not Now, Not Ever by Lily Anderson

Blog Tour: Excerpt of Not Now,..

~~~~~~~~~~ The air conditioner wasn’t up high enough to permeate through more than the top layer of my hair. Even with the streetlamps burning outside the windows, I knew it would still be almost ninety degrees outside. I took a long sip of my lemonade. Sid’s biceps gave an unconscious flex. “They couldn’t have picked something useful for you to do with your vacation?” “No,” I said. The truth came out cool and clean against my lips. “They really couldn’t have.” When we perfect commercial time travel, everyone in the past is going to be pissed at us. It’s not […]

Posted November 21, 2017 by Andi / 0 Comments
Review: The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You – Lily Anderson

Review: The Only Thing Worse T..

I was told by a lot of people to read The Only Thing Worse Than Me is You. Gail actually told me to read it so much that I bought the book one day when I was with her. But then the book just sat and sat. Finally I just decided to pick it up and I’m so happy I did. It was cute and adorable and nerdy and fun.  The Only Thing… is about a group of students that go to the super smart kid school. They are all nerdy geniuses that could test out of high school but […]

Posted December 12, 2016 by Andi / 2 Comments
Reading Goal

Reading Goal

In January I look forward to setting my Goodread reading goal. Some years I have read my face off and have been super successful and some years I am an epic failure. This year I have fallen just around my goal which makes me super happy. I had wanted to read 125 books in 2016 and I am just 7 away with a month to go. Totally a doable task I think. But that leaves me trying to figure out what books I want to end my year with. Well, these 7 have made the list (baring anything I’m dying […]

Posted November 28, 2016 by Andi / 4 Comments
On my Radar: Top TBR Books…and a dream book (2)

On my Radar: Top TBR BooksR..

In July, I had done a post about 6 books (and 1 dream book) that were on my radar that I planned to read. Truthfully I did pretty well. I’m currently reading the 4th book from that list leaving just 2. Not too bad. Since that seemed to help me narrow down the million books I want to read I figured might as well do it again. Here are the books on my radar (not including the 2 from the last post): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the book I am desperate to show up on Edelweiss. […]

Posted August 30, 2016 by Andi / 1 Comment