Tag: Mary E. Pearson

Review: Vow of Thieves – Mary E. Pearson

Review: Vow of Thieves –..

Reading a book that culminates 5 years of reading is always terrifying. A lot is riding on it. Expectations are high and so are emotions. That is why I was scared to read Vow of Thieves, but I was wrong to be. It was exactly what this story needed and my favorite book by Mary Pearson. Vow of Thieves picks up where Dance of Thieves left off. Jase and Kazi are making their way back to Jase’s home, Tor’s Watch, but things have changed. The two of them are violently attacked and everything they thought they knew is different. Instead […]

Posted August 6, 2019 by Andi / 0 Comments
New to You (16): Morgan Reviews The Kiss of Deception by Mary Pearson

New to You (16): Morgan Review..

Welcome to New to You! This idea came along last year when I was supporting Lauren Miller’s newest book All Things New and I asked Kelsey to read and review Parallel, a book I have read more than once. I didn’t really get it going until December when I offered people the chance to sign up to read and review a book that has been a favorite of mine that they have never read. I got a great response and I’m happy to tell you (minus January) you will see a New to You post twice a month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next […]

Posted September 12, 2018 by Andi / 0 Comments
Review: The Beauty of Darkness – Mary E. Pearson

Review: The Beauty of Darkness..

Truth…when I finished The Beauty of Darkness I kept tapping (I was reading on my iPad) for more pages. I was looking for more words; I was looking for the story to continue and sadly it was over. That’s the problem with the final book in a series, when it’s done it’s done and you’re left wanting more. Especially if it a series finale as good as Mary Pearson’s The Beauty of Darkness. This is probably the hardest book to review. It was so good and Mary did an amazing job connecting all three and that is where the problem […]

Posted August 4, 2016 by Andi / 2 Comments
Review: The Heart of Betrayal – Mary E. Pearson

Review: The Heart of Betrayal ..

I didn’t know what to expect from book two of The Remnant Chronicles. I mean The Kiss of Deception was a pretty epic book for me and the ending had me dying to see where it would go. But it also had me terrified. I mean a book with Heart AND Betrayal in the title can lead to NO WHERE GOOD! But also, I needed to know so I had to read it. Verdict…it was excellent! The end killed me, but really strong second book. The Heart of Betrayal picks up where The Kiss of Deception left off. To be […]

Posted July 31, 2015 by Andi / 4 Comments
Review: The Kiss of Deception – Mary E. Pearson

Review: The Kiss of Deception ..

I had put off reading The Kiss of Deception for a long time. I bought it after I heard a lot of rave reviews but I was scared to read it because of all of those reviews. But finally, I went for it. Honestly, I had no idea what I was in for. I knew what the book was about, but I thought Lia was the deception part of the story. Man was I ever wrong. This book was so much more than Lia hiding from the life she didn’t want. Basically, it was pretty much AMAZING! The Kiss of […]

Posted July 30, 2015 by Andi / 3 Comments