Tag: Monthly TBR

Monthly TBR – December 2019

Monthly TBR – December 2..

9 months in and I’m still enjoying making these TBR list. Occassionally I will read off the list or something will come up and I will need to read a different book, but mostly I have stuck to what I decided on and read from it. I don’t feel pressure which is good. I feel like I have enough options that it doesn’t stress me out and I like that. Here is a look at how November went for me based off my original list: It wasn’t the best reading month for me, but I did read some really great […]

Posted December 2, 2019 by Andi / 0 Comments
Monthly TBR – November 2019

Monthly TBR – November 2..

For 8 months I have been doing this reading list/TBR list and I truly have been loving it. I admit there are times I have strayed but mostly I feel like I have been sticking to my plan and it has been a lot of fun. October was a particularly good reading month for me. I was only reading romance books and I ended up reading 12 books. Two of the books on my original list went unread because I got early access to The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abbi Jimenez and The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa, […]

Posted November 5, 2019 by Andi / 2 Comments
Monthly TBR – October 2019

Monthly TBR – October 20..

For 7 months I have been doing this reading list/TBR list and I truly have been loving it. I admit there are times I have strayed but I have had valid reasons and one was because of NYCC (which I just got back from). But other than that I feel like I have been sticking to my plan and it has been a lot of fun. I didn’t read a lot of books in September (although I am about 40% through Scars Like Wings) but I read what I needed to and I’m happy with it. Here is a look […]

Posted October 8, 2019 by Andi / 0 Comments
Monthly TBR – September 2019

Monthly TBR – September ..

I have made it 6 months doing a TBR List and I’m still really enjoying myself. August was pretty good since it was ARC August. I read a good amount of ARCs I have been meaning to read or was really excited for. I did read one book that was not on my original list since it was Becoming by Michelle Obama and I had been on hold at the library for a million years. And I reread Anna and the French Kiss because it was my 40th birthday and that book fills me with love. And I did have […]

Posted September 5, 2019 by Andi / 0 Comments
Monthly TBR – August 2019 (#ARCAugust and #Reviewathon)

Monthly TBR – August 201..

This is month five of my TBR list making. In March I tried categories and it was a bust. So when April rolled around I went back to something I haven’t done in a long time, a list of actual book titles. That seemed to work and I had a lot of success with it. At the beginning of each month, I create a new TBR list and  I have been reading based off those books and I’m kind of loving it. Here is a look at how July went for me: July was a mixed bag in terms of […]

Posted August 2, 2019 by Andi / 1 Comment