Monthly TBR – December 2019

Posted December 2, 2019 by Andi in General, TBR / 0 Comments

9 months in and I’m still enjoying making these TBR list. Occassionally I will read off the list or something will come up and I will need to read a different book, but mostly I have stuck to what I decided on and read from it. I don’t feel pressure which is good. I feel like I have enough options that it doesn’t stress me out and I like that.

Here is a look at how November went for me based off my original list:

It wasn’t the best reading month for me, but I did read some really great books like The Map from Here to There, A Quiet Kind of Thunder and Meet Me at Midnight. Highly recommend those make your TBR.

For December I am going to wing it. I only have 9 books left to read to reach my Goodreads goal so I’m most likely going to read a lot of romance and maybe a reread or two. Keeping it simple for the last month of the year. I’ll be back in January with another TBR list though.

What do you do for a monthly TBR? Do you stick to a list or wing it? Share in the comments.

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