Tag: Suzanne Young

Rebels Week: Flashback Reviews

Rebels Week: Flashback Reviews

It’s Rebels Week on Andi’s ABCs, okay so it is 4 days, but whatever! What is Rebels Week? It is the “week” where Andi’s ABCs celebrates the upcoming release of the final book in Suzanne Young’s trilogy, Girls with Rebel Souls (out March 23, 2021). We are starting out with my reviews of the first two books in the series: Since coming across The Program in 2013 I have been a fan of Suzanne Young and her books. There is something about the way she tells a story that sucked me in from the get go. I swear every time […]

Posted March 18, 2021 by Andi / 0 Comments
Book Love – Girls with Sharp Sticks Series by Suzanne Young

Book Love – Girls with S..

If you know me you know I’m a Suzanne Young fangirl. The first time I read one of her books I was hooked. The way she told a story just clicked with me and it has been that way ever since. I have actually devoted many of posts to her books on my blog and I will do so until the day she stops writing (which I hope is no time soon)! From The Program Series to All in Pieces to Just Like Fate, I love everything I have read that she has written. But out of everything her newest […]

Posted July 22, 2020 by Andi / 0 Comments
Book Nerd Pre-Orders

Book Nerd Pre-Orders

I’m a pre-order fanatic, especially for authors I know that I love and books I may have already read but need to have as a finished copy on my shelf and this is why I have no shelf space, but I don’t even care. There is something so nice about ordering a book months and months in advance and then have that gorgeous, shiny new item waiting for you in the mail just looking for a new place of honor. Currently I have 10 (11 if you count the eBook of House of Earth and Blood) on pre-order. Out of […]

Posted February 27, 2020 by Andi / 0 Comments
Review: Girls with Razor Hearts – Suzanne Young

Review: Girls with Razor Heart..

When I finished Girls with Sharp Sticks I was completely blown away by the journey Suzanne Young took her readers on. She took an idea she had and made it into something that is so hard to describe without spoiling the epic twists and turns in the book. So when I heard there was going to be more in this world I was so very excited. And when I finally got to read Girls with Razor Hearts I was even more thrilled because simply stated…it was amazing! Girls with Razor Hearts picks up where Girls with Sharp Sticks leaves off. […]

Posted February 26, 2020 by Andi / 0 Comments
The Book Push – Girls with Sharp Sticks and Girls with Razor Hearts {giveaway}

The Book Push – Girls wi..

There is no denying that I am a fan of Suzanne Young. Everything she has written I have loved. She manages to craft these worlds that are so familiar and comforting but adds an element that completely turns the world upside down. I have become very lucky over the years and have gotten to know Suzanne and she is just as amazing as her books. In 2018 she sent me a draft of the first book in her new duology, Girls with Sharp Sticks, and the day she sent it to me I devoured all 400 pages, not stopping until […]

Posted July 30, 2019 by Andi / 6 Comments