Second Chance Sunday – The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg

Posted May 19, 2013 by Andi in Review, Second Chance Sunday / 0 Comments

I don’t know if it was the timing of when I read this book or the gorgeousness of the cover or Jess Rothenberg’s writing style, but I fell in love with this weeks Second Chance Sunday, The Catastrophic History of You and Me. It was so gorgeously poetic and heartfelt with bits of fun mixed it. I loved it and I think you will too.


Second Chance Sunday – The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess RothenbergThe Catastrophic History of You & Me by Jess Rothenberg
Published by Speak
Published: 2012
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Dying of a broken heart is just the beginning.... Welcome to forever.

BRIE'S LIFE ENDS AT SIXTEEN: Her boyfriend tells her he doesn't love her, and the news breaks her heart—literally.

But now that she's D&G (dead and gone), Brie is about to discover that love is way more complicated than she ever imagined. Back in Half Moon Bay, her family has begun to unravel. Her best friend has been keeping a secret about Jacob, the boy she loved and lost—and the truth behind his shattering betrayal. And then there's Patrick, Brie's mysterious new guide and resident Lost Soul . . . who just might hold the key to her forever after.

With Patrick's help, Brie will have to pass through the five stages of grief before she's ready to move on. But how do you begin again, when your heart is still in pieces?


Jess Rothenberg…I think I’m in love!!

Confession time. When I first added Catastrophic to my to read list it was solely for the cover. I’m not usually that kind of book buyer/reader, but the colors of the cover pulled me in. They reminded me of Sarah Ockler’s Bittersweet so immediately I was sold. And then I bought the book and it just felt pretty in my hands. Well what I didn’t expect was how pretty the story would be. Actually pretty doesn’t even cover it. I would more say a work of magic. Because honestly I flipping loved loved loved this book so much I can’t even stand how much I loved it.

Going into a book I know that it usually takes time to acclimate yourself with the story and the characters, to get a feel for what is going on. Typically for me I like to give at least 75-100 pages for everything to click. Well with Catastrophic I only needed one page. I was completely 100% pulled in with the song titles of every chapter and the words that followed made the chapter titles all the better. I didn’t need to wait and see what I thought because the second I opened the book I knew greatness was to be found.

Basically the book is the story of Brie, a 15 year old girl that literally gets her heart broken by the boy she loves and dies. Watching the people she knows and love grieve for her leaves her wanting her old life back and to seek revenge on the boy she feels is to blame. Being stuck in between Brie is soon faced with the five stages of death and an eternity of nothingness. Sure things seem good…she can eat all the pizza she wants, can make things appear when she wants them and basically do whatever she wants, but she wants more. And when she meets Patrick, another “Lost Soul”, he helps her see what was right in front of her the whole time.

Equal parts funny and heart breaking Brie and Patrick’s relationship was a thing of utter beauty. I was completely enthralled with their connection and their story. They both needed each other and it was as simple as that. They were both lost and not really dealing with their deaths and they were the key to bringing the other the peace they needed. It was just magical how it all came alive on the page and just pulled me right in. I wanted to know more about these people. I wanted to feel their sadness and their connection. I just wanted more.

When I tell you that the words jumped of the page and grabbed me I mean it completely. There was something about this book that I just fell in love with. It just connected with me at a time when I needed a phenomenal book. There was just something beautiful about the reading experience I had and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Brie’s story was amazing and the feeling I got when I finished was just fulfillment and I hope you get the same when you pick it up because mark my words, you should definitely pick it up.

Now get writing Ms. Rothenberg. I’ll be impatiently waiting for your next work of art!


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