Top Ten Tuesday: Best Beginnings/Endings

Posted July 30, 2013 by Andi in Top 10 Tuesday / 0 Comments

top10tuesday1Top Ten Beginnings/Endings

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1) Divergent by Veronica Roth {review}
2) Birthmarked Series by Caraugh O’Brien
3) Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins {review}
4) Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane
5) Summer Series by Jenny Han

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6) Delirium by Lauren Oliver {review}
7) Pivot Point by Kasie West {review}
8) Just One Day by Gayle Forman {review}
9) The Program by Suzanne Young {review}
10) Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson {review}

*Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
**Top Ten Tuesday photo made by me. If you would like to use it please give credit.

Make sure to check out and enter my Giveaway for an autograph copy of Lauren Myracle’s new book, out next month, The Infinite Moment of Us, that goes until 8/4 at 11:59pm EST.



0 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Best Beginnings/Endings

  1. Pivot Point looks good… idk about Second Chance Summer though, sounds too emotional. I gotta be in the mood for that! I loved Anna and almost put that on my list of endings too because it ended so good!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    • When you are in the book for the ugly cry, do Second Chance Summer. It is so moving and heartbreaking. I just loved it. And Pivot Point is so wicked clever. Can’t wait for the second book.

      Thanks for the revisit.

    • I can’t wait to read The Distance Between. It is on my TBR list. Pivot Point was just so clever I already know I will love anything written by West,

      Thanks for the drop by.

    • Get the to reading RIGHT NOW! HA. Now seriously though, they are all some really great books and I highly recommend all of them.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Patty

    Oooo I still haven’t read the last book in the Birthmarked series so I’m glad it has a great ending. There are a couple of other books here too that I want to read, so this just makes me more excited for them.

    • I didn’t really like the 2nd book in the series but the last one totally made up for it and the all three worked together as a whole.

      Thanks for visiting.

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