Top Ten Tuesday – Best of Top Ten Tuesday

Posted June 23, 2015 by Andi in Top 10 Tuesday / 3 Comments

top10tuesday1Since I started doing Top Ten Tuesday posts in May of 2013 my style has changed…a lot. When I was new to blogging and not really sure how I wanted things to go everything was simple. Since then I have fun making new Tp[TenTuesdaybookshelfgraphics and coming up with new ideas. In the last 2 years there are definitely been some topics that I have enjoyed more than others. Some of them I’m ebarassed to look at years later and others I think…yup, still true. Either way, these have been my favorites. What has been your favorite?

Top Ten tuesday


*Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
**Top Ten Tuesday photo made by me. If you would like to use it please give credit.




3 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Best of Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    Yes, when I was looking through my old posts, trying to pick my favorite topics, I ran across lots of things over the years that have changed. It’s interesting.

    Here’s my Top Ten Top Tens!

  2. I love this weeks topic, I’m getting to see so many topics that I have missed. You chose some brilliant topics 🙂 I liked seeing the topics where people wrote about their favourite book boyfriends, I saw some of my favourites but got to find some great books to read for the first time too. Here’s my TTT if you want to check it out 🙂

    Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday: My Favourite Top Ten Posts

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