The ABCs with Veronica at The Talking Bookworm

Posted October 1, 2014 by Andi in Guest Post, The ABCs / 1 Comment


Welcome to the revamped ABCs.  In the past I have used this weekly Wednesday post as a link up but times are a changing. I’m switching things up as you have learned HERE.

Today we have the amazing Veronica at The Talking Bookworm sharing with us the accessories, books and clothes she is lusting after.

Now let’s give a warm ABCers welcome to Veronica!


ABurberry BE3073 Sunglasses – I’m a sucker for sunglasses. Every time I pass a Sunglasses Hut or any other glasses store I gravitate towards it, step inside and have to force myself to leave before I drop a couple hundred for another pair. I have the few seasons ago version of the BE3073 and once I tried the new style at the store I’ve been lusting after it. It fits better than my older burberry pair and my Michael Kors Brown Lens Shield Style sunglasses.

B –  Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld – I need this book in my life. It’s a contemporary book and a dystopian(fantasy?) book in one. I get two books in one? That’s like the best thing a bibliophile can wish for. I hope the book lives up to the hype. I really do.

CClassic Trucker Jacket in Rinse – I’ve been wanting a denim jacket for quite some time now. I’ve almost bought one many times, yet without fail leave empty handed. I had a denim jacket when I was younger and I LOVED it. I can feel it in the air that this fall I will finally buy that denim jacket I’ve been wanting for some time now.


Thanks Veronica for playing!

If you would like to play like Veronica did, sign-ups are open.



One response to “The ABCs with Veronica at The Talking Bookworm

  1. Yes, and I have to drag Veronica away from Sunglasses Hut every time we’re in the mall together 😉 Although she DID convince me to pay for a nicer pair and actually wear them, so I guess we’ll let her visit every once in a while 😛

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