The ABCs with RachelMarie from The NerdHerd Reads

Posted June 17, 2015 by Andi in The ABCs / 3 Comments

Welcome to the revamped ABCs.  In the past I have used this weekly Wednesday post as a link up but times are a changing. I’m switching things up as you have learned HERE. I’ve also recently created a place for authors to sign-up and do the ABCs for one of their main characters. Check that out HERE.

Today we have RachelMarie from The NerdHerd Reads sharing with us the accessories, books and clothes she is lusting after.

Now let’s give a warm ABCers welcome to RachelMarie!



Accessory: World Map Locket
Anyone who knows me knows that I have been bitten maybe just a little (or a lot) by the wanderlust bug. Sure, I may not be at a point in my life now where I can travel, but oh believe me, I will. I LOVE these map necklaces. I actually don’t wear jewelry that often, but when I do, I gravitate towards the long necklaces. But I love this one. I would wear it all the time.

Book: Dracula Journal
I am a fan of all things bookish and nerdy and literary, and this journal embodies all of that. But not only is it absolutely gorgeous, the lines on every page are MADE UP OF TEXT. That’s right, the journal actually is the entire novel. I’m not sure I would be able to bring myself to write in such a beautiful thing.

Clothing: Empress Waist Dark Teal Maxi Dress
I don’t think maxi dresses get enough credit. They’re super comfortable (more than sweatpants…did I just say that? Yes I did.) They’re easy to wear, take minimal styling, and make you look super dressy when you actually put in little effort. All of those are a win in my book. I absolutely love the color of this one, and how flowy it is.


Thanks RachelMarie for playing!

If you would like to play like RachelMarie did, sign-ups are open HERE.




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