The ABCs with Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes

Posted September 23, 2015 by Andi in The ABCs / 2 Comments

Welcome to The  ABCs where you can see what accessory, book and clothing item others are lusting after! If you would like more information or would like to sign-up you can click HERE. I’ve also created a place for authors to sign-up and do the ABCs for one of their main characters. Check that out HERE.

Today we have Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes  sharing with us the accessories, books and clothing items she is lusting after.

Now let’s give a warm ABCers welcome to Jen!



Accessory: Wedding Band 
Almost 3 years ago, my wedding band mysteriously disappeared from my house, from the spot where I put it every single night for 10 years. No joke. I’m a creature of habit and I only wear 3 pieces of real jewelry: my original engagement ring, my upgrade (long story), and my wedding band. That night I took my rings off, stacked them on top of each other, making a mental note of how I could make the Olympic Rings symbol if I had one more ring because I’m a dork, and went to bed. I came down the next morning (before the rest of my house woke up) and the band was gone. Neither of the two diamonds had been disturbed though. Bizarre, right? We tore the house apart looking for it, even checking in the floor vent. Nothing. It had vanished. Or trolls took it. Next December (2016) Eric and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage, so I think that might be a good time to get a replacement. Or a trip to Paris.

Book: The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski
I.LOVE.THIS.SERIES.SO MUCH! And by series, I mean Arin. Seriously though, it’s my most anticipated read of 2016. It’s the final book of the trilogy and to be honest, I’m a little nervous. Too many “final” books have failed me but I trust Marie, and I’ve told her on more than one occasion I’m going to need to see lots of kissing between Arin and Kestral. Lots.Of.Kissing.

Clothing: Library Card Socks
I love socks. The quirkier the better. And these just speak to my booknerd heart! So does the matching tote bag. And the t-shirt. My birthday is next month and these socks are at the top of my list!


Thanks Jen for playing!

If you would like to play like Jen did, sign-ups are open HERE.




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